Friday, January 28, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News6 new results for Conservatives
Tories yank truth-stretching anti-Ignatieff ads after 24 hours
Globe and Mail
In fact, the full sentence the Conservatives used from Mr. Ignatieff's speech went as follows: "Are we ready to serve the people who put us here? ...
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Globe and Mail
Pence Disappoints Conservatives
Wall Street Journal
Mike Pence is officially out of the presidential race, leaving conservatives scrambling for a candidate to rally behind. By STEPHEN MOORE Rep. ...
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NDP will defeat government on 'bad budget': Layton
Toronto Sun
(CHRISTOPHER PIKE/QMI AGENCY) OTTAWA - The NDP would rather dance with the Conservatives in Parliament than fight them at the polls, but New Democrat Leader ...
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Peter Kent sees no pressing need for new climate laws
Globe and Mail
In a noon-hour speech Friday in Toronto to the Economic Club of Canada, Mr. Kent bragged about the Conservatives' record on the environment and explained ...
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Globe and Mail
Ottawa won't rule out Quebec City arena project
"My Quebec caucus colleagues and I support the amphitheatre project," Josée Verner, the Conservatives' minister for Quebec City, told reporters, ...
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Will Hatch feel the heat from conservative groups?
CNN Political Ticker (blog)
Washington (CNN) - A conservative group that last year helped defeat GOP Sen. Bob Bennett of Utah in his bid for re-nomination appears to be signaling that ...
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