Thursday, January 27, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News5 new results for Conservatives
Alberta finance minister quitting - reports
A date has yet to be set for a leadership convention for the Conservatives, who have been in power since 1971. (Reporting by Jeffrey Jones; editing by Peter ...
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On The Record: Conservative communications director Fred DeLorey on those new ...
that the Conservatives are doing their best to spin as his Howard Dean moment (apologies for all caps, but grabbed from a transcript):
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Conservative Star Mike Pence Won't Run for President
Mike Pence, who has an unusually devout following among conservatives, has announced he won't run for president. Thus concludes an afternoon of speculation ...
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Will Tea Party Patron Jim DeMint Run for President?
The AtlanticWire
"However, I think this is another addition to a list of conservatives who want to become the kingmakers of the party not necessarily run for 2012. ...
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Tories Have 3 Point Lead: Poll
580 CFRA Radio
A new Ipsos Reid survey for the Ottawa Citizen shows the Conservatives lead has shrunk from nine points a few months ago to just three. ...
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