Sunday, January 30, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

Blogs3 new results for "Family Research Council"
Hallelujah, Thanks Mayor Holden « The Daily Mush
By Jim Hlavac
And Governor Jindal, otherwise a smart man, still hasn't seen, perhaps, the true intent of the Family Research Council, the Iowa Family Coalition, the American for Values groups, oh, so many names, so many groups, like the oddly named ...
The Daily Mush -
65 Years After Auschwitz & Christianists Have Learned Nothing ...
By (Michael Hamar)
The Assault on Christians by the Militant Homosexual Movement, Steven A. Schwalm , Family Research Council. It is shocking that the same tactics used by the Nazi regime continue to this day. Worse yet, they are used by those who claim to ...
The Bilerico Project -
We Like Good Lesbian Movies: Wikileaks controversy exposes wanton ...
By KrisB
Family Research Council "The key point -- which is starting to get some more attention now -- is that not only was he openly homosexual, but he bore a grudge against the Army for apparently not letting him be completely open about his ...
We Like Good Lesbian Movies -

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