Saturday, January 29, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

Blogs5 new results for "Family Research Council"
Illinois Review: Schock Receives Perfect, 'Pro-Family' Score from ...
Congressman Schock received a perfect, 100 percent, score from the Family Research Council's Action and CitizenLink's Vote Scorecard for his consistent pro-family, pro-life voting record during his first session in Congress.
Illinois Review -
Family Research Council's federally funded state programs ...
By akopsa
Although the Family Research Council – the anti-gay organization that has earned "Hate Group" status from The Southern Poverty Law Center – apparently receives federal funding, a handful of their state affiliates do. ...
Lettuce Spray -
Tony Perkins on the State of our Unions | NOM Blog
By NOM Staff
Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council with an important reflection tied to this week's State of the Union address: As we use this time to consider our.
NOM Blog -
Joe. My. God.: DOMA AMICUS BRIEFS: Who's Who In <br>Vile Anti-Gay ...
By Joe
Family Research Council Foundation for Moral Law Robert George George Goverman Liberty Counsel Massachusetts Family Institute NARTH National Legal Foundation National Organization for Marriage Pacific Justice Institute ...
Joe. My. God. -
Praytell » Blog Archive » Let Me See if I Have This Right - The ...
By praytell
Liberty University, the Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America and the Heritage Foundation have refused to participate at the meeting which expects 10000 attendees. (I wonder, is this the thinking that made slaves ...
Praytell -

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