Monday, January 31, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Alberta Liberal Leader to step down
Globe and Mail
Alberta is set to lose another of its top-level politicians, as Liberal and Opposition Leader David Swann plans to step down Tuesday. ...
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Globe and Mail
Liberals focus on corporate tax cuts as Parliament resumes from six-week break
Winnipeg Free Press
The Liberals, behind the rallying cry of Cape Breton MP Roger Cuzner, tried to maintain the energy going into the opening question period of the third ...
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Reverse internet billing decision, Liberals say
'We consider this decision to be anti-competitive because it does penalize the small internet service providers,' said Liberal technology critic Marc ...
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Ottawa turns to tackling deficit as stimulus package winds down
Vancouver Sun
... that he'll be bringing down a budget in March, but offered little hope for a compromise with the Opposition Liberals that could stave off an election. ...
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Ignatieff hogs spotlight to press Harper on tax cuts, Egyptian crisis
Globe and Mail (blog)
As the Official Opposition, the Liberals are allotted the first five questions off the top of the 45-minute session. Usually, the leader takes the first ...
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Globe and Mail (blog)
BC Liberals may be turning against new voting system
Globe and Mail
It's a mystery that makes George Abbott nervous: Why would his rivals in the BC Liberal leadership race spend their time and energy signing up thousands of ...
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Globe and Mail
Liberals accused of ulterior motive in Hamilton stadium upgrade
Toronto Star
"I expected that they would come to the plate," New Democrat Leader Andrea Horwath said Monday of Premier Dalton McGuinty's Liberal government. ...
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Why liberals are rising up against the Koch brothers
Around a 1000 liberal activists spent Saturday and Sunday outside the gates of the Rancho Mirage near Palm Springs. Most waved placards condemning ...
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Miners spent $22m to destroy resource tax
The Australian
But Labor outdid the Liberals on the back of investment income, declaring $7.7 million in financial receipts to the Liberal Party's $6.2 million. ...
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Leon Wieseltier: If Liberals Were Smarter, They'd Know What to Do About Egypt
Slate Magazine (blog)
Step two, necessarily, is to blame the liberals. This is a little more strenuous: [T]he Obama administration, and American liberals more generally, ...
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Blogs5 new results for Liberals
AMERICAblog News: Rep. Steve Lynch (D-MA) tells liberals: Don't ...
By Joe Sudbay (DC)
Steve Lynch (D-MA) tells liberals: Don't primary incumbents (even if we screw you over). In 2010, the Tea Party waged a series of primary challenges against incumbents. They won some and lost some. In 2010, a number of Democratic ...
AMERICAblog News -
illusory tenant: Liberals in denial update
By illusory tenant
Liberals in denial update. The Atlantic's Andrew Cohen calls today's expected ruling in State of Florida v. DHHS "a stray decision by a conservative trial judge." @ 07:42. In Re: PPACA. 0 comments: Post a Comment · Older Post Home ...
illusory tenant -
House Dem: Liberals to Blame for 2010 Shellacking | Red Dog Report
By Brian O'Connor
According to Massachusetts Rep. Stephen Lynch, the only way to save the his House colleagues in 2012 is to eliminate the practice of democracy in the Democratic party.
Red Dog Report -
Liberal language Use - Understanding Liberals — ToBeRIGHT
By Harry
The definitive liberal to english translation as prepared by the Conservative Hideout.
Fascist Soup » Why Liberals Hate Guns
By Michael Suede
Why Liberals Hate Guns · Charlie Sheen on '36-hour bender' with porn stars and ' $20k worth of cocaine' before being rushed to hospital · Border Guard Fired For Saying Legalization Of Drugs Would Help Stem Violence Along Mexican ...
Fascist Soup -

Web1 new result for Liberals
Republicans Redefine Rape, Outraging Liberals | The Atlantic Wire
Abortion-rights groups have lashed out against the new bill's rape provisions, echoing the common liberal reaction found online today. ...

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