Friday, January 28, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News4 new results for Liberals
Asbestos mine backer helped raise cash for federal, Quebec Liberals
Montreal Gazette
But Versailles dismissed any suggestion that Chadha, who on Thursday hosted a fundraising event for the federal Liberal party, might have blurred the line ...
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Harper holds single-digit polling edge as House resumes
Globe and Mail
A new survey by Abacus Data suggests the Conservatives have an eight-point lead over the Liberals, down slightly since early December. ...
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Globe and Mail
George Abbott calls for child poverty reduction plan
Globe and Mail
The NDP opposition has accused the Liberals of failing to fight child poverty rates in BC that some have called the worst in Canada, but Children's Minister ...
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Globe and Mail
PCs want audit on debt charge
Peterborough Examiner
... Examiner Staff Writer PC MPP John O'Toole made a stop in Peterborough Friday calling for a forensic audit into the provincial Liberals' extension of the ...
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