Monday, January 24, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News4 new results for Liberals
Parties ready for an election they say they don't want
Toronto Star
The Liberals and the NDP are both holding their winter caucus retreats in Ottawa this week, while Conservative MPs and cabinet ministers are fanning across ...
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Kevin Falcon adds two more cabinet ministers to his supporters
Globe and Mail
To date Mr. Falcon has won the support of 15 members of the BC Liberal caucus, including seven cabinet ministers. That support includes the backing of ...
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Globe and Mail
Alberta Liberal leader urges smokers to butt out while kids are in the car
Global Edmonton
The provincial Liberals plan to introduce a motion that would make it illegal to smoke in a vehicle with someone under 16 years of age inside. ...
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Liberals trying to draft Keith Olbermann for Joe Lieberman's Senate seat
The Hill (blog)
By Sean J. Miller - 01/24/11 01:12 PM ET Liberals want Keith Olbermann to run for retiring Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman's (I-Conn.) seat. ...
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