Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News4 new results for Progressives
Progressives Seek To Deflect From Frances Fox Piven Remarks By Calling Glenn ...
Big Journalism
I love when progressives who've stood against Israeli settlements and "zionists" suddenly find compassion for Jewish people, even if it's manufactured ...
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NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES | The Annual Progressive Dinner in St. Anthony Park
Twin Cities Planet
Progressives start the evening with appetizers and will receive schedules at St. Anthony Park United Methodist Church, http://www.sapumc.org/, ...
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Immigration Policy: the Liberal/Progressive Dichotomy
The labels liberal and progressive are often treated synonymously, but they are political philosophies with different origins and some differences in ...
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Olbermann Joins Smothers Brothers, Ed Asner as Victims of Corporate Television ...
Beyond Chron
Latino and African-American progressives are as off-limits on any television show with a potentially large audience as they were before cable. ...
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