Saturday, January 29, 2011

Google Alert - Religion

Blogs5 new results for Religion
Religion Calendar, Jan. 29-Feb. 4 and more | Standard-Examiner ...
By lwithers
The religion calendar, published each Saturday, lists community events of a religious nature. Items for consideration should be e-mailed by 5 p.m. Mon...
Latest Headlines -
Religion of Cambodia
By admin
When speaking about religion in Cambodia you can easily find Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Animism. Among this Buddhism is considered to be the.
Cambodian -
No religion preaches terror: Rahul Gandhi | Defence / Terrorism
By Shilpa
Aurangabad (Maharashtra), Jan 29 - Congress MP Rahul Gandhi Saturday condemned terrorism in all forms and said no religion preaches 'killing of innocent people '. Addressing a media conference here on the final day of his three-day trip ...
India Talkies -
The roles of religion and reason in abortion debate (3 letters ...
Re: "Abortion, religion and reason," Jan. 26 David Harsanyi column. If David Harsanyi wishes reason to prevail in the abortion discussion, then the.
Denver Post: All Blogs -
Religion, Theology and the New Atheism « Choice in Dying
By Eric MacDonald
Of course we can study religion in various ways, and not all of us want to be anthropologists. Some of us have some reasonably close familiarity with well- known religions, their beliefs and practices, and for some of us, the problem ...
Choice in Dying -

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