Monday, January 24, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News4 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Take-Over
ABC News (blog)
Over the weekend, Republicans in Arizona, New Hampshire and Washington picked Tea Party candidates to run their state party -- bucking candidates supported ...
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Top House Republican downplays Bachmann SOTU response
Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann may be delivering a speech after President Barack Obama's State of the Union address tomorrow, but a top House ...
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Marco Rubio: Does Senate need Tea Party caucus?
USA Today
Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican who got elected with the Tea Party's help, is questioning the need for a Tea Party caucus in the Senate. ...
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USA Today
Allen West: Keith Ellison 'The Antithesis Of Principles' Upon Which Country ...
Huffington Post
Freshman Tea Party-backed Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) recently got personal in an attack on one of the House's two Muslim representatives, declaring that Rep. ...
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