Monday, January 31, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
The Fix: Poll -- Americans want GOP to listen to the tea party
Washington Post
By Rachel Weiner About seven in 10 adults say it's important for Republican leaders in Congress take the tea party movement's positions and objectives into ...
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Federal Judge: A Wink at the Tea Party in Overturning Health Law
Wall Street Journal (blog)
In his 78-page ruling in favor of 26 states that sued to overturn the law, Judge Vinson recalled the 1773 Boston Tea Party. "It is difficult to imagine that ...
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A tea party shoutout
Politico (blog)
Get over yourself Ben, he was using it as an example, not giving a "Shoutout" to the Tea-Party. Leave it to the liberal lefty Journolisters to try and make ...
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Scott to unveil state budget with tea party organizers in rural Eustis
By Marc Caputo, Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau The new Republican governor reached out to tea-party organizers to host a budget-rollout event Monday in ...
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Marco Rubio and the Tea Party
Poder 360
Once considered a Tea Party darling, Florida's newly-elected Senator appears to be distancing himself from the conservative Tea Party movement. ...
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Michelle Bachmann & Cameragate: closure at last
Daily Caller
By Jim Treacher | Published: 9:24 PM 01/31/2011 Remember when Michelle Bachmann gave the Tea Party response to the State of the Union Address? ...
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Obamacare court ruling gives a shoutout to Tea Party movement
Reuters Blogs (blog)
It would be a radical departure from existing case law to hold that Congress can regulate inactivity under the Commerce Clause. ...
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New Electricity Meters Stir Fears
New York Times
Pacific Gas and Electric's campaign to introduce wireless smart meters in Northern California is facing fierce opposition from an eclectic mix of Tea Party ...
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New York Times
Southern Tier Tea Party
Organizers of the Southern Tier Tea Party say they're looking to build on the enthusiasm their movement garnered in the run-up to last year's election. ...
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Liberal Activists Target Tea Party Koch Brothers
The AtlanticWire (blog)
The Kochs have fought laws to limit greenhouse gases, President Obama's health care overhaul, and Tea Party rallies. Their retreat was focused on cutting ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Poll: GOP should listen to tea party - Jennifer Epstein -
By Jennifer Epstein
A new survey finds seven in 10 Americans think party leaders should consider the movement's ideas. Politics -
Michelle Malkin » Civility Watch: "Time for assassination" anti ...
By Michelle Malkin
Civility Watch: "Time for assassination" anti-Tea Party/Fox News/Beck/Hannity/ Malkin rap.
Michelle Malkin -
Hollister Hovey: Tea Party
By Hollister H. Hovey
Tea Party. I've always said I could never date a tea drinker. A guy who will nurse a mug when down with the flu - totally fine - but in general, I like coffee men. I also like iced Americanos with anywhere from four to six shots of ...
Hollister Hovey -
Americans want Tea Party ideas in Republican brew â€" poll
By Tabassum Zakaria
In the aftermath of November elections that gave some Tea Party supported candidates seats in Congress, a Gallup poll finds that most Americans believe that Republicans should take into account Tea Party ideas when they tackle the ...
Front Row Washington -
Ninety percent of Republicans want Tea Party to play a role – CNN ...
By lbentzterp
Washington (CNN) -- As the GOP on Capitol Hill continues the process of peacefully incorporating newly-elected Tea Party members into its fold, a new poll shows close to 90 percent of Republicans says its important the Tea Party's ideas ...
CNN Political Ticker -

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