Sunday, January 30, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
A summer tea party...
By Liberty Biberty
Last week Liberty had a little summer tea party in our backyard with her friends . She got the idea from a magazine and had been planning her party for months! The party had to be in summer so she could have it outside. ...
Liberty Biberty -
Message to Tea Party Seniors: Medicare for Everyone in US ...
By mark karlin
That will certainly get the attention of Tea Party seniors who are against " socialized" medicine, except for themselves. (And remember, under Medicare, our health system is still private, as compared to England where most health care ... - Progressive News... -
Will Tea Party Favorite Michael Williams Become the Next Black ...
Michael Williams, a Texas Railroad commissioner, wants to represent Texas in the U.S. Senate.
Frank Rich: The Tea Party Wags the Dog | The Political Carnival
By GottaLaff
Having sold itself in 2010 as the uncompromising champion of Tea Party-fueled fiscal austerity, the enhanced G.O.P. caucus arrived in Washington in 2011 to discover that most Americans prefer compromise to confrontation and favor ...
The Political Carnival -
from Judson Phillips, founder of the tea Party nation on the ...
1979 Déjà vu Posted by Judson Phillips on January 28, 2011 at 5:44pm in Tea Party Nation Forum Send Message View.
Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire -

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