Saturday, January 29, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Senate Tea Party Caucus Meets - Washington Post Mocks | RedState
By Brian Darling (Profile)
The first ever meeting of the Senate Tea Party Caucus was convened yesterday on Capitol Hill and it was a great success. The left wing media is doing.
RedState -
Tea Party Versus Tea Party In Utah - Hotline On Call
By Julie Sobel
The Tea Party Express' consultant Sal Russo praised Hatch, in an interview with National Review Online, calling him an "original tea partier," and invoking Hatch's early support of Ronald Reagan in 1976. "Yeah, you know, Orrin is a ...
Hotline On Call -
What If the Tea Party Gave A SOTU Response? - Big Journalism
By Dana Loesch
Without buying into the "tea party as a third party" meme, why wouldn't the tea party movement respond? I've seen various responses all over the web from an assortment of the movement's leaders; what if one of those voices – not ...
Big Journalism -
The Rev. Chuck Currie: Oregon Tea Party Using Churches To Recruit ...
By (Chuck Currie, M.Div.)
The Oregon Tea Party sent out an e-mail today that listed where a series of Tea Party events will be held over the next month. My attention was immediately drawn to two events scheduled to be held in Oregon churches...
The Rev. Chuck Currie -
PolitiFact | Rand Paul says tea party pushed Barack Obama to shift ...
In the first-ever meeting of the Senate Tea Party Caucus on Jan. 27, 2011, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., shot a rhetorical barb at President Barack Obama over earmarks . An earmark is a requirement that money approved by Congress be spent in a ... Truth-O-Meter... -

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