Friday, January 28, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News4 new results for U.S. Politics
Egypt Protests Shows American Foreign-Policy Folly
Yet pathologies in American politics, fed by emotions that prevent cool assessment of national interest, continue to paralyze the US diplomatic imagination. ...
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NYT columnist speaks on US' political apathy
UM Maneater
Blow noted that America's obsession with pop culture has cost them knowledge of government and politics. New York Times columnist Charles Blow thinks ...
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Rep. Giffords and Christina Green: Inspiring Progress and Possibilities for ...
Huffington Post (blog)
Giffords' political career with truncated life of an impressive young girl who may have grown up to be Arizona's first female US Senator -- and to whom, ...
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The Nor'easter: Civility Sounds Awesome
The Epoch Times
By Evan Mantyk "Civility" has become the latest buzzword in the world of American politics. I think to most Americans civility sounds like a good thing. ...
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