Sunday, January 30, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News6 new results for U.S. Politics
Rough Side Of Chicago Shakes Race For City Hall
New York Times
Some political analysts speak of the six-person mayoral race as all but over. But despite speculation that Mr. Emanuel's quest to be a local mayor would be ...
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Q&A: What's at stake for U.S. in Egypt unrest
USA Today
President Obama has urged Mubarak not to respond with violence and to take steps toward universal rights and political changes. USA TODAY reporter Joan ...
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USA Today
Tea Party movement's future uncertain
The Daily Campus
Cal Jillson, professor of political science at SMU, disagrees. He said that once "conditions improve" and the economy gets back on track, the United States ...
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How Business Interests Hijacked US-China Relations
Huffington Post
The US has yet to set such domestic targets.) While partisan divides are cutting deeper into American politics, one area where the left and right seem to ...
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Debt ceiling vote could spark first GOP firefight
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Set by Congress, the debt ceiling is defined simply as the upper limit of debt the US government can owe. It has been raised dozens of times over the past ...
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Michael Vick and the Politics of Prison Redemption
History News Network
This endless debate gave us the prisons we have today, institutions caught between simultaneous impulses to punish and redeem. ...
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Blogs5 new results for U.S. Politics
US Politics for the man on the street « Something should go here ...
By scrubone
US Politics for the man on the street. January 31, 2011. Written by scrubone. Leave a comment. Interesting videos. Why the federal budget won't be balanced by Obama's healthcare bill. ...
Something should go here, maybe later. -
5 Best Sunday Columns (The Atlantic Wire) · usa politics news
By Yahoo! News: Politics News
"Teens everywhere are bombarded with concern about the future: the soaring cost of college, the state of the economy, the fear that, politics and demographics being what they are, they’ll lack both opportunity and an ample safety net. ...
usa politics news -
By Freedom Lady
SHALL WE DANCE, LAUGH OR CRY OVER AMERICAN POLITICS? NO BRAIN – "THINKING SPOT" – AYN RAND EXPLAINS (Issue 508). By Freedom Lady | January 31, 2011. Five year old Prince William said: "Squirrels do not have a brain, they have a thinking ...
An Octogenarian's Blog -
obama just committed political suicide. - US Message Board ...
By bigrebnc1775
For those of you who were somehow having wet dreams about another 4 years of obama as president may just have that dream killed if obama does what he says he will do. Any new law or changes made to existing laws will kill his dreams of ...
US Message Board - Political... -
U.S. helping Americans leave Egypt - Associated Press -
By Associated Press
The State Department is prepared to evacuate thousands of U.S. citizens from Egypt. ... Politico Blogs. Ben Smith on Politics. Early state polling: Huck and Romney leading. David Catanese on Campaigns ... Politics -

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