Thursday, January 27, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

Blogs4 new results for U.S. Politics
Obama's New Press Secretary Announced: Jay Carney (The Atlantic ...
By Yahoo! News: Politics News
Obama's New Press Secretary Announced: Jay Carney (The Atlantic Wire). at usa politics news. « Obama reviews Afghan conflict, Pakistan visit (AFP) · Filibuster lives: Senate rejects changes in rules (AP) » ...
usa politics news -
Trend Lines | Global Insider: U.S.-Russia 123 Agreement
By The Editors
Signed in 2008, the 123 Agreement was revived by U.S. President Barack Obama as part of the U.S.-Russia reset. In an e-mail interview, Richard Weitz, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and a World Politics Review senior editor, ...
World Politics Review: Trend Lines -
Bachmann likened to a 'poor man's Sarah Palin' - US Politics News
Political Circus: Bachmann likened to a 'poor man's Sarah Palin' – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs /* */ .cnnShareThisTitle a { float:right;
US Politics News -
Surprise! Radical Islamist smuggled across US-Mexico border | USA ...
Almost seven years ago, the 9/11 Commission warned Congress about the security risk the nation runs against terrorist infiltration over the US-Mexico border.
USA Politics News -

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