Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News4 new results for U.S. Politics
Pitch for Rebuilding Infrastructure Carries Political Challenges
New York Times
"It's a question of, how do you give us some confidence that you're investing to grow the economy?" Tuesday's speech will be Mr. Obama's third call to ...
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New York Times
One night of civility on Capitol Hill won't change 200 years of hostility
Globe and Mail
But incivility in American politics "has waxed and waned." The framers of the US Constitution understood human nature. They wanted to prevent American ...
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Book review: 'O: A Presidential Novel' by Anonymous seems to be more about ...
Los Angeles Times
That — along with our society's astonishing dynamism against which the American political drama plays itself out — is what gives our politics its ...
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Los Angeles Times
Pat Buchanan: How the Chinese must see us
The Union Leader
Hu Jintao got an earful from us on his human rights records. Stop the repression of Uighurs and Tibetans. Stop jailing political dissidents. ...
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