Thursday, January 27, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News8 new results for U.S. Politics
Court Allows Emanuel on Ballot for Chicago Mayor
New York Times
"We stayed focused on the concerns of the voters," Mr. Emanuel said, of a week that had, however briefly, turned the city's politics upside down. ...
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We must act for ourselves, not the US
Sydney Morning Herald
When members of the Australian parliament from both sides of politics, who are elected to represent the people of our country, report back to US ambassadors ...
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Globe-Trotter Clinton Makes Davos Stop
New York Times
"It's good to see you looking so fit," said David Gergen, the United States political strategist who delivered a few questions to his former boss. ...
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New York Times
Good for GE, Good for America?
With unemployment still high and a charged political atmosphere in Washington, anyone asked to chair a new President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness ...
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Now & Later
Washington Post
Sex, politics and American culture are mixed into a combustible combination in Now & Later. Angela is an illegal Latina immigrant living in Los Angeles who ...
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Washington Post
Obama's Energy Agenda Under Assault in Congress
Fox News
The US is still overwhelmingly dependent on comparatively cheap fossil fuels for its energy needs. Fossil fuels power 83 percent of the US economy. ...
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Fox News
Poll finds a positive reaction to Obama's State of the Union speech
Los Angeles Times
A majority of Americans also threw cold water on whether there will be a political thaw after Republican and Democratic lawmakers crossed the aisle to sit ...
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Your week in political quotes
Providence Eyewitness News
"US policy on the United Nations should be based on three fundamental questions: Are we advancing American interests? Are we upholding American values? ...
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Providence Eyewitness News

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