Sunday, February 6, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Tories, Bloc join hands to scrap accelerated parole
Vancouver Sun
However, the Bloc has now decided to support the Tories' bill after holding a series of backroom talks with the Conservatives. Those meetings may have been ...
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Opinion: An Old And Tired Party
Carson Now
From the classical conservatives view point, the only conservatism that can be useful to the majority of people in the state of Nevada is conservatism ...
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Liberal Toronto is now in play as Conservatives draft Rocco Rossi: Snobelen
Toronto Sun
Ontario was mostly Conservative. Canada was mostly Liberal. Nice and comfortable. For a generation, things have been changing. ...
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Conservatives Celebrate Reagan Legacy : Dead Fags
Unconfirmed Sources (satire)
by Walid (WASHINGTON:Ucs News) Across the nation American Conservatives from Newt Gingrich to John McCain and Sarah Palin are commemorating the 100th ...
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Grits launch 'fed up with the Tories' Facebook campaign
Toronto Sun
"The Conservatives are like fighter jets," goes one line. "There's billions for those and nothing for families." The ad comes on the heels of a two ...
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NBC's Andrea Mitchell accuses GOP of misappropriating Ronald Reagan to push ...
Daily Caller
But the genius of it all was that Ed Meese was there, there were conservatives there, and, and Jim Baker, more moderate Republicans. ...
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Beck's "Apocalyptic" Egypt "Hysteria" Triggers New Round Of Conservative ...
Media Matters for America
Bill Kristol and other media conservatives have recently denounced Glenn Beck for using "hysteria" and "apocalyptic conspiracy terms" in his commentary ...
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Reagan Reviewed
American Conservative Magazine
That has entailed a mixed legacy: Americans, especially conservatives, began to reaffirm markets over Great Society (if not New Deal) planned and the ...
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Social conservatives could split Oklahoma House majority, Democratic leader says
Several House Republicans have said they want more emphasis placed on conservative issues and have filed bills dealing with immigration, open carrying of ...
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Social conservatives struggle to push agenda in session
Arkansas News
By John Lyon LITTLE ROCK — The 2010 general election gave socially conservative groups in Arkansas confidence that their agendas would be well received in ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
10 Things Conservatives Don't Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan ...
Tomorrow will mark the 100th anniversary of President Reagan's birth, and all week, conservatives have been trying to outdo each others' remembrances of the great conservative icon. Senate Republicans spent much of Thursday singing ...
Signs of the Times -
Social conservatives: slow legislative start | Arkansas Blog
By Max Brantley
Many conservatives — particularly true libertarian conservatives — believe in medical self-determination for women and abortion choice. Indeed, a majority of Arkansans still support preserving a legal right to abortion, particularly in ...
Arkansas news, politics, opinion,... -
10 Things Conservatives Don't Want You To Know About Ronald Reagan ...
By youwb
But Reagan was not the man conservatives claim he was. This image of Reagan as a conservative superhero is myth, created to untie the various factions of the right behind a common leader. In reality, Reagan was no conservative ideologue ...
You Web -
A plain blog about politics: Sunday Question for Conservatives
By Jonathan Bernstein
Sunday Question for Conservatives. Here's one for the Ronald Reagan centennial. There's a lot of talk about putting Reagan on a coin or on currency. My sense of it is that Reagan should clearly be behind at least three people who we ...
A plain blog about politics -
Social Conservatives' Cop-Out — IGF Culture Watch
By Jonathan Rauch
Mark Twain said that, if there is a heaven, it's apt to be mighty crowded with hypocrites. Writing in the L.A. Times on social conservatives who go after gays because they're easier targets than divorce and single parenthood, ...
IGF Culture Watch -

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