Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News8 new results for Conservatives
Canada's Conservatives well ahead in new poll
OTTAWA Feb 15 (Reuters) - Canada's governing Conservatives are well ahead of their main rivals in popular support and would easily retain power if an election were held now, according to a poll released on Tuesday. The Harris Decima survey for the ...
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Setting the record straight: Conservatives are the authors of the freedom agenda
Washington Post (blog)
By Jennifer Rubin As other conservatives and I have done, Eugene Robinson raps the knuckles of Republican CPAC speakers who barely spoke about Egypt. But then he presents an incomplete and ultimately misleading picture of conservatives' approach to ...
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Gary Bauer not pleased with Mitch Daniels
Washington Post (blog)
Mitch Daniels's CPAC speech may have thrilled fiscal wonks inside the Beltway, but he may have offended more conservatives than he won over. I asked Gary Bauer, one of the most experienced and politically influential evangelical Republicans, ...
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Are conservatives endangering the high court?
Washington Post
If the court's conservatives choose to overturn the legislation on clearly political grounds, it would call into question the legitimacy of the court. It would show, once and for all, that certain justices are governed by ideology rather than precedent ...
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Conservatives in House push for $20B more in cuts
The Hill
By Russell Berman - 02/15/11 09:02 PM ET Conservative House Republicans are mounting what could be the most serious challenge to the GOP spending bill this week, offering an amendment that would slash federal funding by an additional $20 billion. ...
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The Islam rift
Politico (blog)
The deep suspicion in parts of the right about Islam -- and the view among other conservatives that that is raw bigotry -- continues to create a real rift in the conservative movement. Grover Norquist recently took a shot at Rep. ...
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Tucson Citizen
15, 2011, under Arizona Conservative What's the best way to assure America of the right kind of leadership for the next several years? It's by getting behind the two leading presumed conservative candidates for president: Sarah Palin and Tim Pawlenty, ...
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Surprise! Gay Group Kicked Out of Conservative Conference
Opposing Views
Francis Maude There are gay conservatives. There are gay atheist conservatives. Not many of these, of course. GOProud is a gay conservative organization that has been kicked out, at least for the next couple years, of a conservative conference called ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
The American Conservative » Conservatives Hijack CPAC
By Jack Hunter
After Ron Paul won the 2011 Conservative Political Action Conference's straw poll, many observers said that the poll didn't matter this year because it was " hijacked" by a passionate "fringe," unique to the event. This is partly true. ...
The American Conservative - http://www.amconmag.com/blog/
» House Conservatives to Offer Additional $20 Billion in Cuts ...
By Robert Bluey
Conservatives are gearing up for a showdown on the House floor over an across- the-board spending cut that would trim the federal government by an additional $20 billion this year. The amendment, which will be offered by a member of the ...
Big Goverment - http://biggovernment.com/
Pajamas Media » GOP Outreach to Latinos Draws Fire from Conservatives
By Ruben Navarrette Jr.
Newsflash (again) for Ruben: The Latinos who are so "offended" by people who reject the idea of open borders are not interested in being Conservatives. They' re offended because they're radical Leftists who use their ethnicity as a wedge ...
Pajamas Media - http://pajamasmedia.com/
Conservatives praise budget battle | House Republicans | freshmen ...
Conservatives praise 'healthy' budget battle between freshmen and GOP leadership .
The Daily Caller - Breaking News,... - http://dailycaller.com/
Progressive Tory: Conservatives Are Back In NL
By Progressive Tory
After winning only 16.5% of the support in 2008 the Conservatives have now doubled their support and are at 32% with 37% undecided, including the leaning numbers they are at 37% but still 27% are undecided. ...
Progressive Tory - http://progressive-tory.blogspot.com/

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