Thursday, February 17, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Justice Minister quits to join Alberta race
National Post
Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach is expected to announce a Cabinet shuffle Thursday after Alison Redford, the Justice Minister, stepped down Wednesday to launch her campaign for the leadership of the Alberta Progressive Conservatives. ...
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Tories reluctantly release cost projections for crime bills and tax cuts
Winnipeg Free Press
Brison had already formally complained to Speaker Peter Milliken, saying the Conservatives were showing contempt for Parliament. Late Thursday some documents were tabled in the Commons, although Conservative House Leader John Baird had little to say ...
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Public hostility to politics will deliver a yes to AV
The Guardian
Not the Conservatives, who think no change to the first-past-the-post system is needed. Not the Liberal Democrats, who believe AV is a feeble reform compared with proportional representation. And not Labour, who embraced the change in 2010 but whose ...
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Duceppe is eager for a fight
National Post
While no parties were named, based on current polling trends, that could only mean supporting the Liberals and the NDP to block the Conservatives from forming another government. The fact that the Bloc would support a coalition of parties on terms ...
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House Republican decries conservative budget amendment
The Hill
By Russell Berman and Alexander Bolton - 02/17/11 06:07 PM ET The Republican chairman of the House Administration Committee is trying to defeat an amendment by conservative Republicans that would slash an additional $20 billion from the government ...
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US House to vote on debt idea, healthcare funding
Washington is rapidly coming close to exceeding its debt limit because of huge deficit spending -- in the range of $1.6 trillion just this year -- and Tea Party conservatives have threatened to try to block another increase in borrowing authority until ...
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Sean Hannity And Juan Williams Tackle Left-Wing "Hatred" Of Black Conservatives
by Frances Martel | 10:15 pm, February 17th, 2011 Former radio talk show host and Tea Party favorite Herman Cain may be the first Republican 2012 candidate out of the gate this year, and as such may be the first African-American conservative to earn ...
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Why conservatives want Christie in 2012
CNN International
A new face on the national scene, Christie attracts media attention and makes conservative activists long for his candidacy for president in 2012. The buzz at last weekend's CPAC convention, the annual Washington meeting of 12000 conservatives and ...
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CNN International
Libertarians changing conservative landscape
Quinnipiac Chronicle
Eleven thousand activists gathered in DC this weekend for the Conservative Political Action Conference, the largest right-wing gathering of the year. Groups like Youth for Western Civilization and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays spewed the hate ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
The American Spectator : Social Conservatives in the Age of Red Ink
By Nicole Russell
Social conservatives have long been described as the Silent Majority. But amidst the recent Republican resurgence, they have been even quieter than usual. When Dr. James Dobson was king of the pro-family airwaves, he needed only ask his ...
The American Spectator -
Conservatives stand up to Beck on Egypt | WE Blog | Wichita Eagle ...
By Phillip Brownlee
Good for conservative pundit William Kristol and others for challenging Fox News host Glenn Beck's "hysteria" and wild speculation about the uprising in Egypt. " When Glenn Beck rants about the caliphate taking over the Middle East from ...
WE Blog -
Riehl World View: Pseudo-Conservative Daily Dish Trying To Silence ...
By Dan
It's not surprising that the faux-conservatives that blog at the Daily Dish would partner with the Left in attempting to silence strong conservative voices. It's about time we start recognizing them as the fifth column they represent ...
Riehl World View -
Conservatives Shouldn't Fear Cuts to Defense Budget | Hope is Not ...
By Tom Skypek
Social Security may be the third rail of American politics, but the defense budget is at least worthy of notable mention. In fact, the defense budget is.
Hope is Not a Foreign Policy -
Andrew Breitbart encourages bolder conservatives | Daily Trojan
By rpflores
Conservative political commentator and blogger Andrew Breitbart spoke to students in Doheny Library on Wednesday night, in an event hosted by the USC College Republicans, to highlight the differences between liberals and conservatives. ...
Daily Trojan -

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