Saturday, February 19, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News6 new results for Conservatives
Chris Patten: The Tory Everyman returns to the top
The Guardian
In spite of having proved his bare-knuckled skills on behalf of the Conservatives, one only needs to read the Daily Telegraph's reaction to the news that he is to become BBC Trust chairman to understand why Patten decided to take a different path after ...
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West Pivots Race, Touts Conservative Ideals at CPAC Summit
Afro American
presented the keynote address at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Feb. 18 and focused on the onset of "a new dawn in America." The CPC annual summit assembles the nation's conservative activists and politicos. ...
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Afro American
Tory MPPs take a swipe at McGuinty's government
Toronto Sun
He also brushed off criticism of the HST, saying the provincial Conservatives "were in favour of it, until we announced it." To scale back the HST now would hurt business and industry and make it more difficult to create jobs, he said. ...
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Conservatives In Texas Split On Possible Gambling Expansion
Casino Gambling Web
Republicans in the state of Texas have traditionally been among the most conservative lawmakers in the country, and they have always rejected the idea of legalized casino gambling in the Lone Star state. With a budget gap as wide as $15 billion, ...
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The Strategy Behind Mitch Daniels' Truce
He has supposedly dealt a blow to his own ability to win the nomination by alienating social conservatives, who will not tolerate surrender on social issues. As Mark Twain once said, the difference between the right word and almost the right word is ...
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Was Columbia campaign stop for Rep. Bachmann?
Her attacks on the Obama administration resonated with conservatives who feel government spending is out of control and that liberals have overstepped their constitutional authority. "They have a tendency to want to change it or misinterpret the ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
George Lakoff: What Conservatives Really Want
By George Lakoff
The best way to understand the conservative moral system is to consider a strict father family.
The Full Feed from -
What Do Conservatives Really Want? | BlueNC
By wafranklin
George Lakoff has leaped into the breach one more time to remind us that conservatives (right wingers) actually do think radically differently than those on the left/liberal and left/moderate sides of the block. ...
BlueNC - Where North Carolina... -
ARRA News Service: Arkansas Conservatives Will Have an Uncommon ...
By Bill Smith
ARRA News Service: conservatives news: God, family & country; traditional family values, Republican principles & ideals, limited government, free markets, individual freedom.
ARRA News Service -
Conservatives still in search of a candidate | Opinion Columns ...
By Margaret Carlson
If you're a Republican thinking of running for president — and who isn't? —the annual Conservative Political Action Conference is the base you have to touch.
Wichita Eagle: Opinion -
Godless Conservatives - Advice Goddess Blog
By Amy Alkon
Godless Conservatives Mark Oppenheimer writes for The New York Times on the atheist conservatives blogging at Secular Right (I'm friendly with and greatly respect both Walter Olson and Heather Mac Donald). What I appreciate about both ...
Advice Goddess Blog -

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