Monday, February 21, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Christie's confrontations put conservatives in awe
Washington Times
Chris Christie plays another round of smash-mouth politics with New Jersey's public-sector unions, conservative voters across the country lead the cheers. "When he speaks to the unions and the other parasitic special-interest groups ripping off the ...
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Washington Times
Tories demand money for impending election campaign in 'confidential' memo
Vancouver Sun
OTTAWA — In a fundraising letter stamped "URGENT," the Harper Conservatives are appealing for money to help finance an election they say is imminent. The letter from top Tory fundraiser Sen. Irving Gerstein, obtained by, says the party ...
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Trump's Run for President Requires Memory Loss: Kevin Hassett
As he considers a presidential run, he should weigh whether he can do it again, this time by persuading conservatives to ignore his past. (Kevin Hassett, director of economic-policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, is a Bloomberg News ...
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Stephen Henderson: Wisconsin's governor a conservative? Hardly
Detroit Free Press
I've been watching pretty closely as Wisconsin tries to end collective bargaining for most public employees -- not just because of the obvious parallels to states like Michigan, but also because I'm floored by this "conservative" attempt to impose a ...
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Conservative budget irony
Dallas Morning News (blog)
That's just one example of the intellectual incoherence pulsing through the conservative movement at the moment. The Washington Post editorial board called the House Republican approach to cutting spending "arbitrary, shortsighted and self-defeating. ...
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The Odd Conservative Hostility Towards Mitch Daniels
American Conservative Magazine
Daniels is a solid social conservative (as one would expect of most reasonably successful Republican politicians in Indiana), but social conservative activists seem intent on ignoring this important detail. That is their mistake. ...
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Ousted Tory MLA seeks party to lead
Sherman has been touring the province speaking about the problems facing Alberta's health care system. The Progressive Conservatives, the Alberta Liberal Party and the Alberta Party are all in the midst of leadership contests.
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Conservatives and Cops
Mother Jones
Any conservatives want to take a crack at this? Then, on the subject of pensions more generally, James Joyner reviews the sad state of 401(k) plans and says this: The days of spending your life working for a company and then retiring in relative luxury ...
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Conservative leadership easily distracted
Clovis News Journal
Leading conservatives are the greatest asset President Barack Obama could ask for. They help his cause each and every day. In a country of rising fuel and food prices, unpopular foreign wars, high unemployment and hope for change at an all-time low, ...
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Blogs3 new results for Conservatives
Fruits and Votes » Prof. Shugart's Blog » Conservatives have good ...
A column in The Independent by John Curtice (Professor of Politics at Strathclyde) suggests that the UK Conservative Party has good reason to oppose the adoption of the Alternative Vote (AV). At every election in the past three decades, ...
Fruits and Votes - - George Lakoff on "What Conservatives Really Want"
By steinski
"In conservative family life, the strict father rules. Fathers and husbands should have control over reproduction; hence, parental and spousal notification laws and opposition to abortion. In conservative religion, God is seen as the ... -
Conservatives happy lib cartoonist sides with them The Daily ...
By Alan Gardner
The Daily Cartoonist is one of the fastest growing community and news blogs for professional cartoonists. Publication focuses on newspaper cartooning (comic strips and editorial cartooning), webcomics, movies and animation, and magazine ...
The Daily Cartoonist -

Web1 new result for Conservatives
What Conservatives Really Want | Common Dreams
Conservatives really want to change the basis of American life, to make America run according to the conservative moral worldview in all areas of life. ...

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