Friday, February 25, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives looking at a majority, new poll shows
Toronto Star
OTTAWA—Stephen Harper's Conservatives are knocking on the door of an elusive majority, helped in part by the growing support of Ontario voters, an exclusive Star poll of more than 6000 Canadians reveals. The survey — one of the largest samplings of ...
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Social Conservatives Vow Fight for Defense of Marriage Act
ABC News
By DEVIN DWYER In the immediate aftermath of President Obama's decision this week to stop defending the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, many Republicans offered a muted reaction that has some wondering whether conservative opposition ...
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Poll: Mississippi most conservative state
USA Today
By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY A new Gallup Poll shows Mississippi has the largest percentage of people who self-identify as conservatives, at 50.5%, followed by Idaho(48.5%) and Alabama (48.3%). On the other end of the political spectrum, the District ...
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USA Today
Conservative "Answers" Are Not The Solution To Our Problems
The Chattanoogan
Conservatives need to think about the possible "slippery slopes" that could face them and our nation as a consequence of their present modus operandi. By encouraging people to accept one way of looking at the world and society (and to reject any other ...
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The wrong time to cut corporate taxes
National Post
The $13-billion budgetary surplus the Conservatives inherited when they took office in 2006 is gone. It has been replaced with a $56-billion deficit, the largest deficit in our history, and the Parliamentary Budget Officer is projecting that the ...
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Conservatives torn over endorsement in 26th Congressional District
Fairport-E.Rochester Post
By Alysa Stryker, staff writer Conservative leaders are divided over who to endorse in a special election for New York's 26th Congressional District seat left vacant by Rep. Chris Lee. Yesterday, the Monroe County Conservative Party unanimously ...
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Study counts Thune among most conservative senators
Rapid City Journal
John Thune's voting record tied for the most conservative in the Senate last year, a new study has found. The study was conducted by the Washington, DC, newspaper National Journal, which has studied congressional voting records since 1981. ...
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Two in three say they're worried Conservatives may get a majority (blog)
Stephen Harper and the Conservatives may not like the idea, but Quebecers don't have a problem with coalitions. According to a new CROP survey, 61 per cent of Quebecers are perfectly comfortable with a Liberal-NDP coalition forming government with the ...
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Arizona Citizens Threaten Secession, Blame Extreme Conservatives
Death and Taxes
To be brief, they find the rest of the Arizona state government, led by Jan Brewer, to be far too radically conservative for their tastes—owing to the recent state immigration and healthcare policies. But, that isn't all: the Pima secessionists ...
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Canada Corporate Tax Cut Costs Seem Understated - Budget Officer
Wall Street Journal
The ruling Conservatives and the main opposition Liberal party have staked out opposite positions over corporate tax cuts ahead of next month's 2011 Budget, which may trigger the third election in five years. The Conservatives say the reductions help ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives' Glenn Beck Backlash Doesn't Go Far Enough - The ...
By Conor Friedersdorf
Bill Kristol criticized the Fox News host's Egypt coverage, and Rich Lowry and others are piling on. But the condemnations are unlikely to spread to the GOP mainstream—and favorites like Rush Limbaugh and Andrew Breitbart are two ...
The Daily Beast - Blogs and Stories -
If Obama Won't Fight Gay Marriage, Conservatives Will - News
By ADELLE M. BANKS c. 2011 Religion News Service WASHINGTON (RNS) If President Obama and the U.S. Department of Justice no longer want to defend the Defense of Marriage Act from challenges by gay rights activists, who will?
News -
Mychael Massie | Black Conservatives | The Daily Caller - Breaking ...
Conservative Mychal Massie is calling on liberal African American leaders to back up their charges of racism against the Tea Party.
The Daily Caller - Breaking News,... -
Conservatives May Give Early NY-26 Nod
By Liz Benjamin
State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long, with whom the final endorsement decision rests in the yet-uncalled special election to replace former Rep. Chris Lee, told me this afternoon he's now inclined to possibly pick an early ...
Capital Tonight -
Yglesias » Freedom Loving Conservatives Proposing Additional ...
By myglesias
Freedom Loving Conservatives Proposing Additional Draconian Immigration Measures . (cc photo by Ken Lund). Eliza Gray reports on the sweet scent of liberty in the great state of Arizona: At a Tuesday hearing that lasted until 2.30 a.m., ...
Yglesias -

Web1 new result for Conservatives
CORRECTION: Conservatives face election charges - Yahoo! News
Corrects court date in 9th paragraph to March 18 from March 11.

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