Monday, February 14, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News3 new results for "Family Research Council"
Same-sex marriage opponents misrepresent the facts
Baltimore Sun
And that's exactly the fate that befell Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg in his recent op-ed in The Sun ("Same-sex marriage is contrary to the public ...
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CPAC determination reviews participation by 'gays'
Those groups include the Heritage Foundation, Media Research Center, Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America. In addition, the board of ...
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Adult stem cell healing powers abound
Dr. David Prentice, senior fellow for life sciences at the Family Research Council (FRC), tells OneNewsNow the latest breakthrough comes from research at ...
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Blogs4 new results for "Family Research Council"
Why don't the Family Research Council support - Holy Bullies and ...
By BlackTsunami
In 2003 the Gay and Lesbian Task Force came out with a report showing that while organizations like the Family Research Council claim to support marriage and the family, their focus is not on issues that would protect the family: ...
Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters -
Pam's House Blend:: "Family" group sacrifices child security on ...
By Lurleen
This sticks in the craw of the so-called Family Policy Institute of Washington ( FPIW), a local affiliate of Focus on the Family and Family Research Council. FPIW's latest e-mail tries to drum up opposition to the bill by warning: HB ...
Pam's House Blend - Front Page -
Planned Parenthood | Pro-life Groups Seek Defund Planned ...
In Washington, D.C., EPP leaders from Live Action, Susan B Anthony List, 40 Days for Life, Students for Life of America, Concerned Women for America, and the Family Research Council led pro-lifers — bearing signs and roses — in peaceful ...
The Daily Caller - Breaking News,... -
Truth Wins Out - CPAC Reportedly Breaking Up With GOProud
By Evan Hurst
... Conservative Political Action Conference, had prompted a long list of major players in the movement, including the Heritage Foundation, the Media Research Center, Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, to boycott. ...
Truth Wins Out » Blog -

Web2 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council | Africana Online: Breaking News, U.S. ...
February 14, 2011 2:35 am You are here:Home Family Research Council. List/Grid. Tag Archives: Family Research Council ...
Family Research Council | Political Analysis
Flavorwire · Found Magazine · Stratfor · Ted Talks · The Young Turks · ALL CORRESPONDENTS. Everything About "family-research-council" ...

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