Saturday, February 12, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
EDITORIAL: Peddling Islamic extremism
Washington Times
The brotherhood's most influential thinker was Sayyid Qutb, the godfather of contemporary jihadism and a preeminent theorist of Islamic revolution. ...
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Washington Times
On the Media: Glenn Beck's hysterical rants about Egypt play on fear
Los Angeles Times
The Fox News host sees radical Islam gaining a foothold in the country, despite reports to the contrary. By James Rainey We saw all the character traits ...
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Los Angeles Times
Diplomat says Iranian revolution weakened US hold
The News International
He said the US and West were afraid of Islam and unity of Muslims, that's why they could not tolerate the progress and development of Muslim world, ...
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(At least) Two approaches to Islam at CPAC
Politico (blog)
Two sharply divergent strains of conservative thought about how to deal with Islam in America were on display at CPAC today. ...
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Islam, Political Islam, Paranoia, Irrational & Unreasonable Fears
Modern Ghana
The fear of Islam, Muslims and Islamic Brotherhood is what drives the spurious arguments which pretends that Egypt will become an Islamic theocracy made up ...
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Middle Eastern Banks Apply to Offer Islamic Financial Services in Uganda
By Suryani Omar - Fri Feb 11 11:01:03 GMT 2011 Uganda has received applications from three Islamic banks in the Middle East to offer Shariah- compliant ...
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Indonesian police arrest 10, question 24 others over religious violence
The Canadian Press
JAKARTA, Indonesia — Indonesian police say 10 suspects have been arrested after Islamic hard-liners set churches on fire and killed three members of a ...
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Sharia Law or the Constitution? America Must Choose
Texas Insider
By William G. Boykin We tend to assume Islam deserves unquestioned First Amendment protection. But it is a totalitarian way of life with aggressive ...
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Texas Insider
Tajik leader orders crackdown on 'illegal' mosques
Arab News
"Under the guise of teaching the basics of Islam, criminals recruit teenagers and young people to their ranks and then send them to extremist religious ...
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Blogs2 new results for Islam news
Rep. Keith Ellison: Muslim Brotherhood irrelevant [TRANSCRIPT ...
By Hart Van Denburg
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy ... According to the Islamic faith, one can lie to further the Islamic faith. Just ask my former Muslim wife from Morocco. See she also tried to convince me "Bin laden is a good guy" after 911 and refused to believe he had anything to do with ...
The Blotter -
Will Radical Islam Come to Power in Egypt? - World - CBN News ...
Many Mideast experts worry that Islamic extremists could gain power in the Arab country. - CBN News -

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