Thursday, February 3, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Conservatives draw fire over comment on child care
Toronto Star
OTTAWA—Human Resources Minister Diane Finley has accused the Liberals of wanting to revive a national child-care program so that parents don't have to ...
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Stifling debate may suit the BC Liberal party, but it doesn't help voters
Globe and Mail
The Liberal leadership candidates assembled in Prince George on Thursday for the fourth "debate" of the campaign. None of the forums has produced a shred of ...
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Globe and Mail
Quebec premier rejigs cabinet, stays defiant
The Liberals have 65 seats in the 125-seat provincial legislature while the main opposition PQ has 52. Charest said his government would focus on the ...
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Just how will we know who voted for BC's next premier?
Globe and Mail
Once the membership deadline is closed, the public face of the campaign shifts to wooing those card-carrying Liberals. Meanwhile, another level of the ...
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Globe and Mail
Ontario Tories won't cut health tax
Toronto Sun
The Minister said the Tories plan to ax the Ontario Health Premium, a $3 billion tax hike brought in by the Dalton McGuinty Liberals shortly after they took ...
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Editorial: A setback for recall efforts
Vancouver Sun
Or the Liberals would kill the harmonized sales tax themselves before it reached that point. But then the anti-HST petition prompted Campbell to schedule a ...
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Dix demands corporate tax cuts be revoked
NDP leadership contender Adrian Dix says the BC Liberals are shifting the tax burden from corporations to individual taxpayers. (CBC) BC's NDP leadership ...
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Liberals Hate Women and the Media Lets Them Get Away With It
Fox News (blog)
AP File By Andrea Tantaros Just this week, notorious camera hog Sen. Chuck Schumer said perhaps the dumbest thing I have ever heard a politician say. ...
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Fox News (blog)
Liberal Media's Focus on the Koch Brothers Is About Intimidation
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
Their very existence is dangerous to the left-liberals who would take America farther down the road to a socialist economy. In the current political-media ...
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Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Moonbattery: Liberals Call for Lynching Clarence Thomas
By Van Helsing
Liberals Call for Lynching Clarence Thomas. Posted by Van Helsing at February 3, 2011 6:06 PM. By now it's obvious where progressives got the bizarrely inaccurate view of the Tea Party they have used their control of the media to ...
Moonbattery -
Freedom is My Nationality: Are the Liberals turning into the NDP?
By Hugh MacIntyre
Are the Liberals turning into the NDP? The Liberal Party of Canada has announced that they will reintroduce their childcare centre/bureaucracy plan that failed to win them the election in 2006. I find it stunning that at the same time ...
Freedom is My Nationality -
What Liberals Don't Know About Guns, Chapter 217 - Discount Online ...
By admin
But after every multiple murder, liberals come up with some crackpot idea to "do something" that invariably involves infringing on some aspect of our Second Amendment rights. The ACLU won't let us put nuts in mental hospitals and Pima ...
Texas Insider -
illusory tenant: Liberals in denial: A ray of hope
By illusory tenant
Liberals in denial: A ray of hope. There's no denying that a Supreme Court ruling against the law is a very real possibility. — The WaPo's Greg Sargent. Series: Liberals in denial ...
illusory tenant -
Write on Nevada: Liberals unsure of what a tax increase is, but ...
By Victor Joecks
Liberals are DESPERATELY trying to find some way to claim that Gov. Brian Sandoval has violated his promise not to balance the budget by raising taxes by calling anything and everything under the sun a "tax hike." ...
Write on Nevada -

Web1 new result for Liberals
Patriotic liberals | liberals, patriotic, letter - LETTER ...
In reality, liberalism is completely American. It was liberalism that inspired the American Revolution. Religious toleration, political rights and freedom ...

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