Sunday, February 6, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Cohn: Ontario's Liberals tune up narrative, but will voters tune in?
Toronto Star
4, as the Ontario Liberal Party was about to open its 2011 Platform Provincial Council meeting. By Martin Regg Cohn Queen's Park Columnist Ontario's Liberal ...
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Liberals admit mistake in flood levy saga
Sky News Australia
Opposition leader Tony Abbott has made an admission of sorts that the Liberal Party erred when it asked supporters to donate to its campaign against Labor's ...
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Liberals vow to fight for cheaper power
ABC Online
The Liberals want legislation to open up the electricity market for all Tasmanians. (ABC News: Damien Larkins, file photo) The Liberals say they will ...
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Abbott admits connection to website, but denies signing up cat for BC Liberals
Globe and Mail
The race to become BC's next Liberal leader may have entered a new phase this weekend, but what unfolded was reminiscent of the bizarre politics that seem ...
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Globe and Mail
Liberals spend $300000 in three weeks on printer ink
By Steve Lewis IT HAS been dubbed "toner-gate" - a three-week, $300000 splurge on printer ink by Liberal MPs to stock up on office supplies for the pending ...
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Leadership candidate wants to liven next debate
But some local Liberals like the idea. Among them is Hoberly Hove, president of the Kamloops-South Thompson Liberal constituency association, ...
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Ferry rates shake up B.C. Liberals
The Province
BC Liberal Party candidate George Abbott vowed to review how BC Ferries is funded after a huge outcry over its proposal to hike fares by as much as 100 per ...
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Thomson: Every Alberta party wants a Danielle Smith
Calgary Herald
This is the decent husband/ father/man Liberals have been telling us about since he became leader in 2008, the guy the party tried to tell us about in a ...
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Persichilli: Parties stuck in negative territory
Toronto Star
Then we have the Liberals under Michael Ignatieff: Can he explain what he stands for? Opinion polls tell us Canadians are uneasy with the idea of a ...
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School trustees slam McGuinty government for broken promise
Ottawa Citizen
The Liberals pledged to review the funding formula during the 2007 campaign, setting a deadline of 2010. (They made a similar promise in 2003. ...
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Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Liberals frustrated trying to talk to conservatives - Norwalk News ...
By Staff
And in his time in the Norwalk town government I'm sure Mr. Giannini got to know quite a few liberals about whom he felt the same way. So let's start the discussion by agreeing that there are decent, rational people on both sides, ...
The Hour Headlines -
theblogprof: Liberals attempt to hijack Reagan's 100th birthday ...
By The blogprof
Liberals attempt to hijack Reagan's 100th birthday: "Obama Is More Like Reagan Then He Anyone Else". For the left, it's no longer don't let a crisis go to waste. It's don't let anything go to waste, including an opportunity to try and ...
theblogprof -
Liberals focus their attention on 'gaze cues' much differently ...
By University of Nebraska at Lincoln
It goes without saying that conservatives and liberals don't see the world in the same way. Now, research from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln suggests that is exactly, and quite literally, the case.
PsyPost -
Alot of liberals say World Net Daily isnt credible why do you say ...
By newstop
My observation is that anything or anyone with an opposing opinion or idea to liberalism ..gets attacked or called not credible . One example in a sea of many is the FOX network , for instance – not entirely conservative- but it does ...
News Top Engine -
PARENTING FREEDOM » "It's the Liberals who wanted to ensure that ...
By carol
"In Question Period on Thursday, Minister of Human Resources & Social Development Diane Finley said, 'It's the Liberals who wanted to ensure that parents are forced to have other people raise their children. We do not believe in that.'" ...

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