Saturday, February 26, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Christy Clark becomes insider after campaigning as outsider
Winnipeg Free Press
Christina Joan Clark is coming back to Victoria as the fresh-face she said the BC Liberals needed to stay in power for the next decade. The 45-year-old with deep federal Liberal roots and loads of ambition is the new BC premier and leader of the BC ...
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Coverage from the convention floor as Clark chosen to lead BC Liberals
Globe and Mail
The Globe and Mail's BC bureau is reporting live throughout the day as Liberals from across the province vote to pick their next leader. Click in the window below to join the discussion. BlackBerry and iPhone users can view a mobile-friendly version by ...
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O'Farrell 'married' to the Nationals
Sydney Morning Herald
"Let me make this clear, the NSW Liberals and Nationals will oppose the carbon tax and the $500 increase to power bills it will reap, and the 26th of March is the best opportunity to send a message to the federal government to kill the carbon tax stone ...
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PIN problems throw BC Liberal leadership vote into chaos
Vancouver Sun
By Ian Austin, The Province February 26, 2011 Liberals hoping to choose the party's next leader are experiencing troubling delays getting PINs needed to make their vote ahead of Saturday's convention. Tension was mounting in the BC Liberal camp Friday ...
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HST protesters dog BC Liberals as the party announces new premier
Chris Delaney, from the group Fight HST, told a small crowd of protesters that the Liberal leadership race was turned into a farce. He said thousands of Liberal delegates denied a vote because they didn't get a personal ID number. ...
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Tories surge ahead of Liberals, poll finds
Toronto Star
The survey — one of the largest samplings of public opinion in advance of a possible spring election — shows the Conservatives have built a daunting 13-point lead over the Liberals nationwide. The Conservatives are at 39 per cent, the Liberals are at ...
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Rising energy costs sizzle Liberals
Stoney Creek News
By Kevin Werner/News staff Hamilton Mountain Liberal MPP and cabinet minister Sophia Aggelonitis says opposition parties are trying to shock residents by blaming the rising cost of energy prices because of Liberal policies. "The opposition parties fail ...
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Memo Mr Baillieu: you're not in favour of discrimination
Sydney Morning Herald
Victoria is home to Australia's most small-l Liberal government. Ted Baillieu and his moderate Liberals are supposed to be more progressive than your average Coalition outfit. At least, that's what some said before the election. ...
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After weeks of campaigning, it all comes down to this...
CKNW News Talk 980
There will be a lot of math involved in today's vote by BC Liberals to elect their new leader, and BC's new premier. Not only is the party using a preferential voting system that requires members to rank at least two candidates, it's also regionally ...
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