Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Progressives must pressure anti-choice Democrats
The Miscellany News
Now, there are many progressives who take issue with this view. They note that Obama's executive order took the place of the Stupak Amendment, ...
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Progressives in Middle Eastern Exile?
Huffington Post (blog)
Progressives ought to come to terms with this juxtaposition. They ought to question, within progressive circles, the almost unconsciously reflexive singling ...
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San Francisco Bay Guardian
San Francisco Bay Guardian
Jane Kim is shaping up to be a swing vote between moderates and progressives Land use politics and the way development decisions are made at City Hall fed ...
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Congress should protect our individual rights
Progressives have nudged the Political Left and Right off to the Left. The resulting imbalance between Liberalism and Conservatism means that "Republicans" ...
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Republican Elites and the Individual Mandate.|
Tapped (blog)
Progressives, many of whom like to think they're committed to some level of reason and logic even in the operation of political discourse, find themselves ...
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Group asks, 'Who can be an American?'
South Lincoln County News
Responding to a rising tide of anti-immigration, the Immigration Information Response Team of the Coastal Progressives hosted a panel discussion at St. ...
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The whole world is watching
Bay Area Reporter
The most alarming for progressives came from CBS commentator Ben Stein. Economist, lawyer, Emmy-winning game show host and former Nixon and Ford ...
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Beyond ideology
The News International
But too many who proclaim themselves progressives focus only on the ideological machinations of the Zia regime, replete with the usual emphasis on ...
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We Won't Be Cowed by Glenn Beck's Personal Attacks
ColorLines magazine
If January 2011 is indicative of the climate in store for engaged progressives, we can expect more hostility, harassment and efforts to derail our important ...
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Yes, Sandoval is raising taxes, group asserts
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Brian Sandoval has been in office only a month, but Nevada progressives say he already is poised to break his central campaign promise to oppose all tax ...
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Blogs5 new results for Progressives
RealClearPolitics - Progressives Should Worry
By Barnett & Foley, Wall Street Journal
For months, progressives smugly labeled the legal challenges to ObamaCare as " silly" or even "frivolous." Today their confidence must be severely shaken. Late Monday afternoon in Pensacola, Fla., U.S. District Court Judge Roger Vinson ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage -
Christianity Riles Progressives, yet Muslim Theocrats Are Just ...
By Scotty Starnes
As Egypt descends further into anarchy, what is it we hear from progressive mouthpieces on this matter? That the alleged group behind the protests, the Muslim Brotherhood, are merely freedom fighters working for democracy, right? ...
Scotty Starnes's Blog -
Beck: Al Qaeda = Muslim Brotherhood = Marxists = Progressives ...
By Joshua Starlight
Beck: Al Qaeda = Muslim Brotherhood = Marxists = Progressives. Posted on February 2, 2011 by Joshua Starlight. This week, Beck expanded his conspiracy theory that progressives want to destroy America and tied it to, of all things, ...
Joshua Oakley - Peace Love Understand... -
Progressives are "Enemies to God"? « The Liberty Tree
By kohr
According to Reverend Beck, progressives are now "enemies of God". It simply wasn't enough ( meaning he had to up the ante to earn better ratings) to call progressives socialists, communists and Nazis – which of course is a complete ...
The Liberty Tree -
Glenn Beck: Progressives Are Enemies Of God
By News Gatherer
Glenn Beck recently said that her show is not about the rhetoric of hate. " However, both the Fox News program and radio program, Beck goes far beyond.
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