Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Ideological Battle Brewing In Race To Replace Harman
National Journal (blog)
Progressives believe this open seat as their chances to elect a like-minded member of Congress - especially given their frosty relations with Harman - and ...
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Progressives Target Republicans Over Health Care Vote
Progressive groups are again targeting Republicans in competitive districts for voting to repeal health care reform while accepting federally financed ...
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Live Action's Sleazy Planned Parenthood Sting and Pro-Life Triumphalism
Another reason, according to Weigel, is that progressives realized that if they failed to take a stand against another ACORN-like attack, there would be no ...
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Time for a Hound News Channel: Entertaining Progressives Wanted
We could create a Hound News Channel if we had more populist progressives with an appetite and talent for entertaining journalism and analysis. ...
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My Word: Progressive values are not demonic
Progressive values of compassion, equality and support for the working person are not demonic. They are values that deserve a place in our local ...
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Half of foreign spouses identify as liberal
The Korea Herald
Vietnamese took the lion's share among the self-claimed progressives with 76.4 percent, while Japanese marked the lowest with 26.3 percent. ...
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Keith Olbermann joins Al Gore: The professional left strikes back!
The Hill (blog)
By Brent Budowsky - 02/08/11 11:44 AM ET When Keith Olbermann joins forces with Al Gore and Current TV, it will be a bonanza day for progressives that will ...
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Dems Show Centrists the Door
Wall Street Journal
"Progressives are winning the battle for the party," Progressive Congress president Darcy Burner told Politico.com. "The corporate-focused DLC type of ...
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Tea Party Should Support The End Of The Patriot Act
The Chattanoogan
Will the local Tea Party join local progressives in calling Congress and asking them not to extend the Patriot Act tonight? We hear a lot talk about the ...
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Blogs5 new results for Progressives
Forward Lookout | Progressives Endorse Szarzynski
By Brenda Konkel
"As a trade unionist, a progressive, a student activist, and a Democrat, I am excited to support Kyle," said Rickman. "We need more leaders with progressive values and a vision for what local politics can be. Kyle is that kind of leader ...
Forward Lookout - http://www.forwardlookout.com/
Get Progressives to Take You Seriously | Bastiat Institute
By Bonnie Kristian
In the spirit of Shaun's recent (hilarious) post on how not to run a recruitment table, here's Steve Horwitz on how to be taken seriously by progressives:Stop treating Progressives as either evil or stupid....let's work on the ...
Bastiat Institute - http://www.bastiatinstitute.org/
Time for a Hound News Channel: Entertaining Progressives Wanted ...
By Editor
In the wake of Keith Olbermann's departure from MSNBC, we're all reminded that while MSNBC was appearing to tilt its coverage toward the populist progressive majority, nonetheless the corporate Right imperative of the media dominates ...
Daringminds.com - http://daringminds.com/
freeforall--a health policy discussion: Progressives and the deficit
By Don Taylor
Progressives have more at stake in developing a long range plan to balance the federal budget than do Conservatives, because we believe that government has an important role to play in modern life. Conservatives have long lamented 'tax ...
freeforall--a health policy discussion - http://donaldhtaylorjr.blogspot.com/
Progressives Continue Growing in Market | Online Slots
By Anya
If you love progressive games then you are in luck. The slots market is expanding to offer you bigger and better payouts than ever. One of the best things you.
Online Slots - http://www.onlineslots.net/blog/

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