Friday, February 11, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Can India Move From Gilded Age to Progressive Era?
Huffington Post (blog)
For those uninitiated in American history here is a brief overview of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. The term Gilded Age was coined by Mark Twain and ...
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Jews and Spiritual Progressives Welcome Mubarak Resignation; But Not a ...
Jews and Spiritual Progressives of every religious community are rejoicing at the triumph of the democratic uprising in the streets of Cairo and other ...
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New PPM leader installed on Saturday
Cayman 27
Young Progressives Leader, Denise Miller, is one of those who have been busy over the past month preparing for Saturday's handover at Mary Miller Hall. ...
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They Got Nothin': Progressives Turn Palinesque on Egypt
Empire Burlesque
Indeed, there is even a cheerfully admitted cluelessness about the little snippets being offered by our progressive beacons. A shrug of the shoulders, ...
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Bay Guardian Spreads Lies About Mid-Market, Uptown Tenderloin Revitalization Plan
Beyond Chron
Of course, this strategy also eliminates jobs that progressives are fighting to create, and reduces the city revenue needed to fund vital social programs. ...
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Dear Arianna: Congratulations, Spend it Well, and Protect the Huffington Post ...
Huffington Post (blog)
After that, my personal hope is that you become a mini-George Soros or a mini-Koch brothers for progressives, using the balance not just to fund mainstream ...
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Gypsies: tramps and thieves?
Progress Magazine
My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding is a metaphor for the death of Channel 4 as a socially-progressive cutting-edge broadcaster, and its rebirth as a ratings-chasing ...
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How Obama can close those tax loopholes
Washington Post
While UK Uncut is a grass-roots program (and American progressives would do well to work along similar lines -- I'm looking at you, Coffee Party), ...
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Of Morlocks and Black Swans
Men's News Daily
By Dr. Marvin J. Folkertsma Two books that should top any reading list for progressives who believe in "winning the future" by waging war against its ...
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City Council appointment
Petaluma Argus Courier
The council is divided with three self-described "progressives" on one side and three "pro-business" on the other. Go figure, they are at an impasse. ...
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Blogs4 new results for Progressives
Yglesias » Chamber Lobbyists Targeting Progressives
By myglesias
Specifically, they "solicited a set of private security firms — HB Gary Federal, Palantir, and Berico Technologies (collectively called Team Themis) — to develop a sabotage campaign against progressive groups and labor unions, ...
Yglesias -
If progressives wanted to win « Real-World Economics Review Blog
By deanbaker1
Incredibly, the vast majority of progressives go along with this central bank squeeze. They accept the absurd notion that this upward redistribution by the central banks is simply apolitical monetary policy and agree not to criticize ...
Real-World Economics Review Blog - | Blog | Progressives Let Arizona Murderer Go Free
By Maria
Why aren't the progressives who marched against SB1070 up in arms about what is going on with this trial? Why aren't people seeking justice for Juan Varela? Help us stop the hate. Sign the petition to recall Russell Pearce. ... -
AMERICAblog News: 'Anonymous' exposed alleged Chamber of Commerce ...
By Chris in Paris
The security firms hoped to obtain $200000 for initial background research, then charge up to $2 million for a larger disinformation campaign against progressives. We don't know if the proposal was accepted after Phase 1 was completed. ...
AMERICAblog News -

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