Saturday, February 12, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Fresh call for alcohol sponsorship ban
At the Sport and Alcohol: Finding the Balance, hosted by Massey University in Albany, Progressives leader Jim Anderton once again called for the ties ...
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Red-blooded Conservatives & Blue-ocean Progressives
At the heart of what motivates people to call themselves liberal or progressive is a not-too-dissimilar impulse to gravitate toward reason, toward what is ...
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The Market for Progressive Groups and Websites
Progressive Democrats of America plans to build a community communication website for progressives. OpenLeft has closed down, due to lack of financial ...
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Anti-tax activist forgot his past alliances with progressives
Raw Story
While smearing the left and honoring the right, Norquist seemed to have also forgotten several progressive/libertarian coalitions in which he joined in ...
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Raw Story
No Valentines for Faiz
Times of India
That the city's progressives have forgotten one of their stalwarts within a century of his birth speaks volumes about the apathy to and death of progressive ...
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Opposition party endorses Jonathan
By Jude Atupulazi All speculations about who the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) will endorse for this year's presidential election were laid to rest ...
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Nanny State Trolls for Homeschooled Children in Illinois
Big Government
Jefferson also believed that education was–brace yourself progressives–voluntary. He stated, "It is better to tolerate that rare instance of a parent's ...
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Sharansky's 'Beautiful Moment' (Something Reagan Said But Obama Never Would)
The Jewish Week (blog)
Sophisticated "progressives" never spoke of the Soviet Union like that, it just wasn't done. just as J Street and Obama would never speak of the ...
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Braun Tries to Shore Up Base
Chicago News Cooperative
... while accusing the front runner, Rahm Emanuel, of "using a Barack Obama mask to hide his true record of working against black people and progressives. ...
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