Friday, February 18, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Feingold's Progressives United aim to make politicians accountable to people ...
Free Speech Radio News
On NPR, the Wisconsin progressive weighed in on the election that led to the shift to Republican power in state government. "You know, I don't think the voters of this state for a minute thought that we should start attacking public employees and ...
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The Progressive's Matt Rothschild: Russ Feingold Will be Wisconsin's Next Governor
The UpTake
Matt Rothschild, editor of The Progressive magazine, spoke to The UpTake today about the labor protests at the Wisconsin State Capitol, upstart GOP Governor Scott Walker's efforts to gut collective bargaining rights for public-sector employees, ...
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The Kick in the Ass that the Wisconsin Labor Movement Needed
The former United States Senator and leader of the recently formed PAC Progressives United joined the rally with several firefighters from across the state. The Reverend Jesse Jackson will be speaking at a rally on the Capitol today at 5 pm, ...
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Blueprint: Creating Jobs and Strengthening the Middle Class
Progressive States Network (blog)
At a time when almost one out of every ten Americans is now unemployed, progressives have the opportunity to take the lead on Job Creation policy. This Dispatch will address Job Creation policy options featured in Progressive State Network's 2011 ...
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Beck: "It Is From The Fabian Socialists And The Progressives That We Get The ...
Media Matters for America
Hey Ailes, time for a new record, this one is skipping by magnolialover (3 minutes ago) Oh jeesh. Again with progressives and Nazis? Really? Look, Beck, this is pretty easy. The Nazis were fascists. Fascists are far far right wingers.
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Gov. Scott Walker (R): Wisconsin Won't be Bullied!
Wizbang (blog)
But the Progressive don't really want 'democracy now.' If they did, they would respect the will of Wisconsin's voters who voted in the current crop of fiscally responsible adults to clean up the mess left by the previous profligate progressives. ...
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Not if, but when
Progress Magazine
That's why high-speed rail is one of our boldest progressive policies for renewing Britain, and promoting growth and social cohesion across the cities and regions. Only timidity and lack of vision hold it back. High Speed is good for growth, ...
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Malkin, conservative mouthpieces insult intelligence with views on Wisconsin
"Yes, the so-called progressives truly believe that bringing American union workers into the 21st century in line with the rest of the workforce is tantamount to dictatorship. Yes, the so-called progressives truly believe that by walking off their jobs ...
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Egypt, Wisconsin, and the Future of Our Democracy
Huffington Post (blog)
Walker's insanity has been as inspiring as the protesters in Egypt, and it is a joy to see workers, students, and progressives of all stripes spontaneously say "NO!" in a very loud voice. In fact, it is clear that protesters in Wisconsin and Ohio were ...
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Gov's budget splits the education baby
The Independent Weekly
But apparently, this qualified as good news to progressives who, let's face it, have given up hoping for the best. "No draconian cuts," the Together NC coalition said with relief. Just "extremely painful" ones. Well, thank you and may I have another? ...
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The Independent Weekly

Blogs4 new results for Progressives
Dear Progressives: Name One Right-Wing Talk Show Host Who's ...
By Ezra Dulis
16875210 -progressives-name-one-right-wing-talk-show-host-whos-reached-the-same-lows-as- lawrence-odonnell%2FDear+Progressives%3A+Name+One+Right-Wing+Talk+Show+Host+ ...
Big Journalism -
Indictments abound, deadlocked FEC, Progressives United and a ...
By Angela Bradbery
We got Progressives United! Former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) is launching a new group designed to be an answer to Citizens United, the conservative organization that brought the Citizens United case to the Supreme Court. ...
CitizenVox -
Cicilline joins other progressives in criticizing GOP on spending ...
By Randal Edgar
The progressives referred to the plan as the "Republican No Jobs Agenda" in a news release issued Thursday, which contained a link to a YouTube video that shows Cicilline and 19 other progressives speaking, one at a time, ...
Projo Politics Blog -
Can a Socialist Teach Some Democrats How to Be Progressives? | MyFDL
By wendydavis
2 Responses to Can a Socialist Teach Some Democrats How to Be Progressives? OhioGringo February 18th, 2011 at 3:40 pm «. To answer the question in your title, probably not. Remember that Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat, ...
wendydavis's myFDL diary -

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