Thursday, February 24, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Obama Changes Course on Gay Marriage, Giving Progressives a Reason to Cheer
24, 2011 If Democrats still reeling from the Republican surge that remade Congress needed a reminder that President Obama hadn't abandoned his progressive agenda for the mushy center, he gave them a powerful one on Wednesday. ...
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Progressive Leaders Press Obama To Use Bully Pulpit In Public Worker Fight
Leading progressives in the Democratic party are pressing President Obama to get more involved in the fight over public worker rights playing out in Wisconsin and other states across the country. Obama has publicly sided with state and local government ...
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Justice Thomas a 'Surprising Ally' for Progressives in Decision Allowing Lap ...
ABA Journal
By Debra Cassens Weiss A concurrence yesterday by Justice Clarence Thomas shows him to be "a surprising ally" for progressive interests, according to the chief counsel for a liberal constitutional group. Thomas concurred yesterday when the US Supreme ...
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Progressives Oppose Human Service Cuts
Vermont Public Radio
By Bob Kinzel, Produced by Patti Daniels There are 180 members of the Vermont Legislature, and only 7 of them represent the Progressive Party. But despite their small caucus, the Progressives want to make an impact on how the state closes the $176 ...
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Vermont Public Radio
National Day of Solidarity Rallies in Support of Wisconsin Workers This Saturday
Tucson Citizen
Yesterday, I was on a conference call with my colleague, Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Representative Keith Ellison, and Wisconsin Senate Democratic Leader Mark Miller to let our nation know that we Progressives stand united for our working ...
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After Progressive Pressure, Sunday Show Will Feature Labor Leader
Think Progress
One would hope that Progressive pressure helped make this so, but one might also hope that someone in the producer's staff may have pointed out that they were very close to becoming a Faux Nuze clone…How embarassing for them! hmmmmm… ...
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Story + video: Progs push Dems to raise taxes on wealthy
Not much at the moment, but if two Progressives in the Legislature have their way, income-earners who are in the top tax brackets will have an opportunity make a personal contribution to the budget-gap reduction effort. In January, the Public Assets ...
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Economic Security Across the Border: Illinois Chooses a Better Path
Progressive States Network (blog)
As we have reported previously, Illinois has enacted both a strong wage theft law and a more progressive income tax structure in the last year. Now, in 2011, the state is considering legislation to restore the minimum wage to its value in 1968, ...
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Progressive States Network (blog)
Onward Wisconsin
Huffington Post (blog)
But year by year as the twentieth century dawned, a new breed of thinkers and activists who labeled themselves "Progressives" -- journalists, academics, enlightened businessmen and financiers, officeholders in state capitals and city halls -- along ...
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US Uncut Spreads Spirit of Madison: 50 Protests Saturday Over Budget Cuts ...
In These Times
As a result, progressives didn't draw much attention or spur effective activism to drive overdue reforms, lost control of the healthcare debate and couldn't counteract the Tea Party's ascent. They offered instead often tepid messages that didn't rally ...
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Blogs1 new result for Progressives
A message from Russ Feingold - Cannonfire
By Joseph
He now runs Progressives United. * * *. Governor Walker claims that his controversial proposal is simply about the budget. But it's not: it's a political bait-and-switch designed to destroy the fundamental rights of Wisconsin's workers. ...

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