Sunday, February 6, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News9 new results for "Tea Party"
Can the Tea Party survive success?
Inland Empire News
Flush with electoral success and a new Gallup poll that shows 7 in 10 Americans want Republicans to heed its small-government ideas, the tea party movement ...
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Inland Empire News
Palatine tea party shifts focus to local politics
Chicago Daily Herald
By Kimberly Pohl Whether they're lining the streets waving colorful placards or making impassioned speeches, members of the Palatine tea party are old pros ...
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Reagan's Record Doesn't Match Sarah Palin's Speech and Tea Party's Rhetoric
Yahoo! News
Sarah Palin, a favorite of the tea party, continues to invoke Ronald Reagan's name in speeches and appearances, and frequently uses Reagan as an example ...
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Why Eustis? It's the 'soul of Florida'
Patricia Sullivan, co-founder of the North Lake Tea Party and a stay-at-home mom, is credited with scoring this political coup. Scott's office called tea ...
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Local Tea Party leader running for county executive
Weaver has been a leader in the Tea Party movement and was instrumental in organizing a local group. Weaver is running on the Republican ticket and though ...
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Supreme Court justice's wife brands self 'ambassador to tea party movement'
Raw Story
It was as the head of the tea party group Liberty Central that Virginia Thomas began attracting high-profile criticism. She stepped down from the group last ...
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Raw Story
Canada's Coffee Party movement brews big ideas
Fear not, advocates of even-tempered political discourse: Canada's Coffee Party bears little resemblance to the Tea Party movement south of the border. ...
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Tea party activists are watching politicians they helped elect
By Anthony Man, Staff Writer South Florida tea party activists are following through on their vow to keep an eye on the new Republican majorities in ...
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Ronald Reagan: Father of the Tea Party
ChicagoNow (blog)
As we observe his 100th birthday, it is also beneficial to point out that in many ways Reagan is the father of the Tea Party Movement. ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Belmont Club » The Egyptian Tea Party
By Richard Fernandez
Sandmonkey's "Egyptian Unity Party" would be to Egypt what the Tea Party has been to the U.S. political process — an agent to change other parties. His program as articulated correctly emphasizes registering members [getting addresses ...
Belmont Club -
Video Project Idea: Gangland - Tea Party Nation | RedState
By The Server X-Angel (Profile)
I have been mulling an idea for along time, and I almost abandoned after the Giffords Shooting in AZ, but I still think it is viable. I am a huge fan of.
xangel's blog -
» Tea Party in Congress Slashes Taxes for the Rich, Increases Debt ...
By Jim Cook
In the 2010 elections, Tea Party affiliated organizations endorsed various conservative congressional candidates with the assertion that they would usher in a new era of fiscal discipline and reduce America's runaway debt. ...
Irregular Times -
Cryptomundo » The Voice of Russia: Tea party with the Yeti?
By Guy Edwards
Cryptomundo » The Voice of Russia: Tea party with the Yeti?
Cryptomundo - » Blog Archive » Intimidating the Tucson Tea Party
By Claudia
We are trying to hold a tea party on April 30th in Tucson. Already the blowback from some in leadership since January 8th has been to try and shut us down. We were having a town hall/forum on mental health on Feb 18th and one by one the ... -

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