Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Is the Tea Party cynical, after all?
Washington Post
By Stephen Stromberg Some liberals may have to recalibrate their criticisms of the Tea Party. One reads like this: The movement is little more than a new ...
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Hatch says his goals are not unlike tea party's
The Associated Press
Orrin Hatch doesn't want to follow his fellow Utah Republican Bob Bennett out of the Senate with the tea party hot on his heels. So Hatch, who's running for ...
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Tea party stirs up state steeped in opinion
Washington Times
CONCORD, NH | The tea party movement is mixing a strange political brew in famously independent New Hampshire, complicating the first-in-the-nation primary ...
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Washington Times
Will 2012's Ron Paul be...Ron Paul?
CBS News
Ron Paul was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool: The longtime proponent of limited government was out of step with the mainstream GOP as late as 2008, ...
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It's a prize fight in Dubai that sounds like a tea party
On Tuesday, the European Tour did what Tim Finchem and the PGA Tour imagined when they decided to shed the computers for selected featured groupings each ...
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Lawmakers assess Scott's budget
Pensacola News Journal
TALLAHASSEE -- A day after Scott officially announced his $65.9 billion budget at a Tea Party rally in Eustis House and Senate committees started going ...
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Analysis: Japan voters echo Tea Party disdain for leaders
By Linda Sieg TOKYO (Reuters) - A maverick politician's re-election as mayor in the central Japanese city of Nagoya sends a US Tea Party-like message of ...
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West: AOL-HuffPo Merger Harms Tea Party
Allen West said Tuesday that AOL's purchase of the Huffington Post is a threat to tea party groups' online presence. West suggested that the business deal ...
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Oops- Tea Party Kills Part Of Patriot Act
Lez Get Real
The Republican Party may be having a bit of a problem with the Tea Party. The GOP was handed a defeat on a bill that they brought up for vote. ...
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Angle distances herself from Tea Party PAC
Las Vegas Review-Journal
By Steve Tetreault WASHINGTON -- After two months of being identified as the public face of a new Tea Party political organization, Sharron Angle on Monday ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Dick Lugar to tea party on START: Get real « Hot Air
By Allahpundit
Among other criticisms, Tea Party activists have taken Lugar to task for supporting the new START nuclear arms treaty with Russia, claiming the U.S. is giving up too much and Russia is not giving up enough. ...
Hot Air » Top Picks - http://www.hotair.com/
Tea Party In New Hampshire Mixes Strange Political Brew
By The Huffington Post News Editors
CONCORD, N.H. — The tea party movement is mixing a strange political brew in famously independent New Hampshire, complicating the first-in-the-nation primary strategy for the growing number of potential Republican presidential hopefuls.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thenewswire/
Tea Party Magazine Making Debut This Week - NYTimes.com
The first issue of the Tea Party Review, which describes itself as "the first national magazine for, by and about the Tea Party movement," will make its debut during the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.
The Caucus - http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/
Tea Party Caucus: Allen West joins, Rubio mocks and the Florida ...
By Brett Ader
The tea party movement, a phenomenon that many deem responsible for installing Florida's all-Republican cabinet and turning over control of the House of Representatives to the GOP, continues to demonstrate its influence throughout the ...
The Washington Independent - http://washingtonindependent.com/
WORLDmag.com | Community | Blog Archive | Tea Party adds new ...
By Editorial Staff
Tea Party supporters have made significant inroads in New Hampshire, which typically prefers GOP moderates and establishment candidates when choosing White House nominees. The grass-roots movement has claimed GOP leadership posts at the ...
WORLDmag.com | Community - http://online.worldmag.com/

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