Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Senate Elder Hatch Embraces Tea Party `Tough Bunch' in Effort to Survive
Kirkham, founder of a 10000-member Utah Tea Party chapter, has been hearing a lot during the last 18 months from Orrin Hatch, who faces voters in 2012 and has been drawing fire from some fellow Republicans over his past work with Democrats. ...
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Wisconsin's Tea Party takeover
The Guardian
Wisconsin is rapidly becoming a disturbing showcase of where America as a whole is headed, as Tea Party political ideas takeover the Republican party. What began as a ragtag scattering of conservative activists two years ago is now starting to have ...
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The Guardian
Virginia Tea Party Activist Eyes Senate Seat
Could a Central Virginia woman be the first Virginia Senator representing the Tea Party? Jamie Radtke says she wants to take over Democratic Senator Jim Webb's seat in 2012. Ever since Webb announced last week that he will not seek re-election, ...
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Rand Paul doesn't get to be Russ Feingold yet
Washington Post (blog)
By Adam Serwer Last week, the new overblown political meme was that the Tea Party derailed the PATRIOT Act reauthorization. Now that the reauthorization debate has moved on to the Senate, we've got a new one: Rand Paul is the new Russ Feingold. ...
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VIDEO: A Tea Party Perspective on the Budget
Fox News (blog)
Many of those new Republicans rode into office on a wave of support from Tea Party activists, who advocate cutting the size of government in order to close America's yawning budget deficit. What will they want to see in next year's financial roadmap? ...
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Poll sees Corker vulnerable to tea party challenge
Chattanooga Times Free Press
Bob Corker, R-Tenn., is vulnerable to a tea party challenge in the Republican primary next year, but two potential challengers nonetheless "get blown out of the water at this very early stage," a survey of GOP voters says. Public Policy Research says ...
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Democrat Distortion Poll Taints the Tea Party
Dakota Voice supposedly did a poll of the Tea Party movement South Dakota and came up with some interesting findings. I say "supposedly" because I helped found two Tea Party groups in South Dakota, currently serve on the board of one of them, ...
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Tea Party Assails Nelson for Trying to Circumvent Gov. Scott on Train
Sunshine State News (blog)
Refusing to take Gov. Rick Scott's "no" for an answer, Sen. Bill Nelson said he and US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood are discussing a plan to fund the derailed Tampa-Orlando high-speed train without the state government's participation. ...
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GLENDA BACON: Make education state's top priority
San Angelo Standard Times
We need to start a Tea Party for our kids, grandkids and great-grandkids. What Gov. Rick Perry has proposed for Texas public schools breaks my heart. For Perry to want to keep $150 million in the Texas Enterprise Fund, $15 million in the Emergency ...
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Some Tea Party freshmen back Obama on second engine for F-35 (blog)
The amendment is putting a lot of people -- Republicans, including House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Democrats and Tea Party conservatives -- on the spot. The engine is built primarily in Ohio and Indiana. Rep. Robert Dold, R-Ill., a Tea Party ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party Patriots Investigated: The Tax-Dodging Treasurer ...
By Stephanie Mencimer
Why'd the group put a failed businessman who owes big money to the IRS in charge of its finances?
MoJo Articles | Mother Jones -
Paul Ryan leads straw poll | Tea Party | Chris Christie | The ...
Candidates who haven't expressed interest in running for president in 2012 fair better than likely candidates in Tea Party straw poll.
The Daily Caller - Breaking News,... -
» Tea Party in Action: Freshmen Lead on Spending Cuts - Big Government
By Robert Bluey
Thank God for middle America, aka The Tea Party Citizens, who became furious when they saw ObamaCare in the making and protested! Now they are in Congress. We expect them to keep America's goals in mind every day through their tenacity ...
Big Government -
Mica Camp; "If The Tea Party Wants To Oppose Mica, We Accept That ...
By tomtflorida (Profile)
By Tom Tillison Florida Political Press Republican Congressman John Mica (FL7) held a 'meet and greet' this past weekend in his district.
tomtflorida's Diary -
Houston-Based King Street Patriot Tea Party Cell Wins Ronald ...
By Neil Aquino
Well…even though the Tea Party had a part in electing a Republican leadership in Texas that has pursued environmental polices so bad that even conservative Oklahoma complained to the EPA about the bad air drifting over from Texas, ...
Texas Liberal -

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