Sunday, February 27, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News9 new results for "Tea Party"
Ron Paul, Herman Cain win Tea Party poll to run against Obama
Ron Paul and Georgia businessman Herman Cain were conservative Tea Party activists' top picks to run against Barack Obama for president in 2012, leaving former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in third place. Herman Cain, a Georgia businessman and ...
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Tea party members vow to hold GOP accountable
Centre Daily Times
By BRIAN BAKST - AP PHOENIX — Antsy for results, tea party supporters say they're intent on making sure Republicans elected last fall live up to promises to dramatically change course in Washington. AP Photo Supporters cheer on former Minnesota ...
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Centre Daily Times
Tea Party Freshman Defends House Spending Bill
Fox News (blog)
Guinta is one of many Republican freshmen who were ushered into Congress last fall with help from the Tea Party, which counts among its principles reigning in government spending. The Congressman, who campaigned on trimming the budget, ...
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Fox News (blog)
Clarence Thomas Defends Wife Virginia Thomas Against Criticism Of Tea Party ...
Huffington Post
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas - his impartiality under attack from liberals because of his attendance at a meeting of conservative donors sponsored by the Koch brothers and his wife's tea party activism - struck a defiant tone in a Saturday ...
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Dick Lugar the latest tea party target
South Bend Tribune
Except he could be vulnerable to a tea party challenge in the Republican primary, a May primary in which many of the Republicans who would support him in the November general election will not vote. Republican Party primaries oft now are tea parties. ...
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Passaro/Sharretts: Tea Party Views on Public Sector Unions Vs. Private Sector ...
The Dagger
BY A Dagger Reader Employees' wages and compensation are paid for from economic activity. Private businesses create economic activity. Government only spends the proceeds of that activity, does not itself create wealth, and continually taxes the ...
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Tea party vision for Montana raising concerns
Deseret News
With each bill, newly elected tea party lawmakers are offering Montanans a vision of the future. Their state would be a place where officials can ignore US laws, force FBI agents to get a sheriff's OK before arresting anyone, ban abortions, ...
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Former Senator Booted by Tea Party Warns Republicans Not to Choose Tea Party ...
Weasel Zippers
Republicans must "be careful" before nominating a presidential candidate identified with the Tea Party movement, a veteran former senator said Friday evening. Former Sen. Robert Bennett (R-Utah) warned his party against nominating a candidate too ...
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Weasel Zippers
Tea Party establishes Liberty Learning Center in Vestal
Press & Sun-Bulletin
VESTAL Southern Tier Tea Party has established the Liberty Learning Center, which will provide classes, a book of the month club, a bookstore and library loans. The center is under the direction of chairwoman Jane Stebela, a retired Chenango Forks ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party rally Arizona | Tea Party Patriots | Republicans | The ...
Arizona Tea Party rally sends message Republican Party | Ralph Reed speaks.
The Daily Caller - Breaking News,... -
Herman Cain wins Tea Party presidential live straw poll at Phoenix ...
By gschwarzcnn
Phoenix (CNN) -- Which Republican should become the next president? Herman Cain, according to a number of Tea Party activists gathered at a weekend summit in Phoenix.
CNN Political Ticker -
David Coates: Diluting the Tea Party: The Importance of Supping ...
By David Coates
The President's pursuit of points of agreement with opponents who are set on his political destruction allows the ideological formations of the extreme right to frame the public conversation.
The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed -
Herman Cain wins Tea Party straw poll « Cubachi
By cubachi
"The mood at this summit shows that Tea Party activists are looking for leaders who share our principles of fiscal responsibility and limited government and who will vow to uphold policies that reflect those principles once in office," ...
Cubachi -
Follow-up Sacramento: Union Thug Assaults Tea Party Member, Denies ...
By Jane Jamison
UNCOVERAGE carried the story last night about the assault on Tea Party protester Gordon Stanhope during the Sacramento union rally. We have in that report video (and there are more on YouTube) which clearly showed 28-year-old Teamster ... -

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Tea Party / Terrorist Puzzle Page [PIC]
Tea Party / Terrorist Puzzle Page: Remember kids, you can't spell " fundamentalist" without having "fun!"..

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