Thursday, February 10, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
The Donald and Sarah Palin hair: a CPAC carnival of conservatism
Christian Science Monitor
Day 1 of the Conservative Political Action Conference – or CPAC – included Donald Trump touting himself, Michele Bachmann slamming 'Obamacare,' and Rand ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Why is Patriot Act under fire if homegrown terror threat is rising?
Christian Science Monitor
Amid new terror threats, US security officials say renewing key domestic spying provisions of the Patriot Act is critical to keep the US safe. ...
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U.S. political Right is right
Carman Valley Leader
By Stanley Reitsma, Carman In "The story means little to certain political commentators" (The Valley Leader, Jan. 20) Glen Hallick mentions Pima County ...
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Army's Westphal Backs Off on Need for US Troops in Mexico
The New American
An unnamed Mexican official condemned Westphal's remarks, as did a university assistant professor of political science and Latin American studies. ...
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Republican presidential hopefuls: who's who
Michele Bachmann Photo: AP Haley Barbour Photo: AP Tim Pawlenty Photo: AP US businessman who served as governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007. ...
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Video: US challenge in Egypt is to guide 'amorphous mass' toward a process
Christian Science Monitor
To avoid bloodshed and ensure democracy in Egypt, a political process of some sort is needed, Zbigniew Brzezinski says. The challenge is tougher than it was ...
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Huffington Post
Crises have always existed in diplomacy and will always come upon us, and as a result, there are several traditional mechanisms for crisis management and ...
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Birthright trips should be political, says sociologist
Every trip is forced to make a political decision, as "even to avoid politics is political," he said. "One can't exclude politics from the menu of trips ...
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Huffington Post
This situation in Egypt remains fluid and is not fully understood in America, and yet American politicians obviously need both to set US policy and to take ...
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Obama and the redistribution of wealth
Washington Post
... the US Chamber of Commerce on February 7, 2011, there is no denying that the presentation included policy (paths to goals) and politics (getting votes). ...
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Washington Post

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Obama vows to cut ...
But in a speech to the US Chamber of Commerce on Monday the president tempered his overtures to business by telling executives to "hire more American ...

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