Sunday, February 13, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News8 new results for U.S. Politics
Donald Rumsfeld criticises Barack Obama for undermining 'special relationship'
... "misstatement" when he asserted that the US knew for sure the location of WMD stockpiles in Iraq. Mr Rumsfeld was reviled on the political Left and also ...
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Music review: American Opera Theater's resigned 'Gonzales Cantata'
Washington Post
The point was murky - American politics are bad for individuals? Gonzales was unfairly persecuted? Groups gang up on people weaker than themselves? ...
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Washington Post
Public Praise, Private Calls Keep Pentagon Connected to Egypt's Military
"I urge the Egyptian military to faithfully support and secure the coming process of political change in Egypt." Other US lawmakers have raised concerns ...
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Sunday morning political rewind
WWLP 22News
The young Google executive Wael Ghonim, credited for organizing the protests and demonstrations through social media, was appreciative for US support but ...
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WWLP 22News
CPAC 2011: Conservatives disagree with Second Chance Act
Yesterday, the three-day Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) came to end with US Congressman Ron Paul winning a presidential straw poll. ...
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Obama and Housing - Is Anybody Home?
Huffington Post (blog)
A fourth, Peter Wallison, even added an extra dissent of this own: insisting that "the sine qua non of the financial crisis was US government housing policy ...
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POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: The joke's on us, Jimmy
Savannah Morning News
Senior reporter Larry Peterson covers politics for the Savannah Morning News. He can be reached at 912-652-0367 or at
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Rookie US Rep. Allen West taking bulldog's approach
Conservative politics were on the rise and West had a fitting less-government, less-Obama message that he delivered in aggressive tones. ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
Barack Obama- the New Face of America | White House Politics
By admin
His parents separated when he was two years old and later divorced. His mother remarried, and the family moved to Indonesia in 1967. Barack Obama attended.
White House Politics -
Boehner: US handled Egypt crisis as best it could - Politics news
House Speaker John Boehner on Sunday questioned why assessments by U.S. intelligence did not appear to be ahead of the upheaval in Egypt,... Breaking News -

Web2 new results for U.S. Politics
U.S. Politics
Discuss American politics as they pertain to America, Israel, and the world.
Dailymotion - Hoyer on U.S. Corporate Taxes: Political Capital ...
Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Representative Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, talks with Bloomberg's Al Hunt about his proposals to overhaul U.S. corporate taxes.

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