Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday's Daily Brief

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Several thousand supporters of President Hosni Mubarak, including some riding horses and camels and wielding whips, attacked anti-government protesters Wednesday as Egypt's upheaval took a dangerous new turn. In chaotic scenes, the two sides pelted each other with stones, and protesters dragged attackers off their horses. The turmoil was the first significant violence between supporters of the two camps in more than a week of anti-government protests. It erupted after Mubarak went on national television the night before and rejected demands he step down immediately and said he would serve out the remaining seven months of his term.
WikiLeaks: U.S. Concerned For Years Over Egyptian President's Succession
Anderson Cooper Attacked By Pro-Mubarak Mob
Wall Street Pay Jumps 5.7 Percent, Breaking Record
Did The Groundhog See His Shadow?
Colossal Storm Roars Through Nation's Heartland, Warnings From Texas To Maine
Susan Abulhawa:Mubarak: Destroying Egypt to Stay in Power
Mubarak's latest cynical tactic is to send in armed gangs, mostly from his notorious police force, to ignite riots, thus making his hold on power all the more necessary for the sake of restoring security and order.
Raffi:Cairo Sunshine All Around -- Reflecting on the Rebirth of My Birthplace
Egypt's revolution is humanity's. And as a revolution enhanced by social media before the state silenced them, the Cairo scenario begs a question.
Andy Stern:The Third Economic Revolution -- Boom or Bust for America?
Our Sputnik moment lacks the energy and political cohesion for lift off while China keeps rolling along because the political class in Washington thinks we can drive into the future looking in the rearview mirror.
Robert L. Cavnar:BP Wins: EPA Will Agree to Cut Oil Spill Estimate
If BP gets away with reducing the flow estimate to half of the current estimate in the Gulf spill, it will be a masterful manipulation of government regulators and inexperienced administration officials.
Teresa Strasser:I'll Miss You, Toxins
After years of wondering if I'm cut out to be a mother, I'm relieved to find the instinct to protect this fetus is so strong, I figure all of my favorite chemicals can wait. And I really love chemicals.

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