Saturday, March 12, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Tory stalwarts Stockwell Day, Chuck Strahl to step down
Montreal Gazette
The news, which came Saturday amid increasing speculation that a federal election may be triggered in as little as two weeks, indicates the Conservatives are anticipating an election will soon be called, said Kathy Brock, a political-science professor ...
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Reaction to Two Critical Parliamentary Rulings Dismissed as Typical Politics
The Ledger
It's the third time in a year the speaker ruled the Conservatives breached parliamentary privilege over issues including not disclosing the costs of programs, such as crime legislation and corporate tax cuts, and about detainees in Afghanistan. ...
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Conservatives prey on non-thinkers
The South Florida Times
The terms "conservative" and "liberal are often associated with political parties, the Liberals with Democrats and the Conservatives with Republicans. But that is sometimes not the case and with the advent of the presidency of Mr. Barack Obama, ...
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Conservatives want anti-abortion rights language in next funding extension
The Hill
By Molly K. Hooper and Russell Berman - 03/12/11 06:58 AM ET Social conservatives are warning House GOP leaders they could oppose a measure to fund the government for three weeks that does not include anti-abortion rights language. ...
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Bob Zimmer Elected Prince George-Peace River Conservative Candidate
Prince George, BC - The candidate is finally clear for the Conservatives in the race for the Prince George-Peace River MP position. Fort St. John School Teacher, Bob Zimmer took top spot, with 689 votes. Zimmer says "it's been a long started ...
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Conservatives - Historians Against AV
News On News
Chris Skidmore MP – a historian and a Conservative Spokesman on No to AV – helped organise the letter from historians. He said: "The message from history is clear. Men and women have spent centuries fighting for a system based on the principle of one ...
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'True-blue' Tory praises party's role
Montreal Gazette
Sprinkled throughout the book is Segal's view that Liberal governments throw things out of balance then Conservatives have to come along afterward to return things to the "right balance." Segal argues that Conservatives have more respect for Quebec's ...
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Why conservatives are gunning for Judge Sotomayor
The Journal News |
But since he is the darling of the conservative right wing for his rigid view of the law, no one from that side of the aisle has ever suggested that Justice Scalia was intemperate or should soften his tone and questions. In fact, Justice Scalia's ...
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BUDGET - The Grey Poupon of federal subsidies
San Francisco Chronicle
Even then, fiscal conservatives in Congress had called for cuts in federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., introduced a bill to end taxpayer subsidies to the CPB - $420 million last year - back in June ...
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Blogs1 new result for Conservatives
Hispanics are a prime market for conservatives | Star Parker ...
By Star Parker
New census data show that Hispanics in California, our most populous state, are now a minority in name only. Of California's 37 million residents, 38 percent are Hispanic and 40 percent are white.
Examiner RSS -

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Why media ignore black conservatives
As we have observed, conservative black Americans have become more politically engaged over the last few years, particularly over the last 18 months. ...

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