Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News8 new results for Conservatives
Contempt battle sets stage for election
Globe and Mail
But opposition parties – who hold the majority of seats in Parliament – insist the real price tag is higher and suggest this won't deter them from finding the Conservatives in contempt. A landmark ruling from Commons Speaker Peter Milliken last week ...
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Globe and Mail
Kevin Libin: Land Stewardship Act now wedge issue in Alberta PC leadership race
National Post
The last time Alberta's Progressive Conservatives had a leadership race, candidate Ted Morton got his very own theme song, a Toby Keith-style boot-stomper called Ted Morton is the Man. With the race back on, Mr. Morton's campaign team re-released it ...
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Ousted MP Guergis, Tories held secret meeting
No allegations were proven, and the Conservatives have never said what Guergis was accused of, or why they kicked her out of caucus. Harper said at the time he'd referred information to the RCMP, but the police force ended its investigation without ...
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Conservatives: We Are Being Outworked And Out-Organized In Wisconsin Recall ...
Huffington Post
"Even though Governor Walker acted to end the impasse, Republicans and conservatives should not be acting like this is done and dusted." A conservative activist working inside the state on recall efforts was even more explicitly distraught. ...
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Mitt Romney, conservative darling?
Washington Post (blog)
By Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has spent the better part of the last five years working to convince conservatives that he is one of them. And, if the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll is right, ...
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Triumph of the neo-conservatives
Politico (blog)
When George W. Bush left office in 2009, liberal Democrats and a fair number of moderate, traditional Republicans proclaimed the good news: the GOP neo-cons were dead, chased from Washington in disgrace. But as Republican presidential hopefuls begin to ...
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FAGIN: Planned Parenthood cuts are a bone tossed to conservatives
Colorado Springs Gazette
Still, while I hate to agree with social conservatives about anything, I think they're right on this one. You shouldn't have to support an abortion provider as a condition for living in America. Even if I disagree with your views on abortion, ...
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Gay marriage debate pits social conservatives against businesses
INDIANAPOLIS | The tension between the social conservatives and the business interests that comprise the modern Republican Party was on display Wednesday as an Indiana Senate committee debated whether to add the state's existing ban on gay marriage to ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
Congressional Republicans Begin Planting Hit Jobs on Conservatives ...
By Erick Erickson (Profile)
First the House GOP required Democrats to get their three week continuing resolution passed — a continuing resolution that cuts less money than the interest.
Erick's blog -
Study: Automated Polls Find More Conservatives In GOP Primary
By Mark Blumenthal
WASHINGTON -- A modest experiment conducted by a Republican pollster found that just prior to last year's Delaware Republican primary, an automated, or "robo," telephone poll sampled more self-described conservatives than an otherwise ...
Mark Blumenthal -
Riehl World View: GOP Establishment Attacks Conservatives To Prop ...
By Dan
Via Erick Erickson: Unfortunately, though he named some names I'd already guessed, I can't share them. But he said so many phones are burning up with hit jobs being planted I can write what I wrote because it will be...
Riehl World View -
Vulgar Far Left Comedienne Kathy Griffin Trashes Conservatives on ...
By Jim Hoft
And BTW, the blog link you posted writes here, "There have been no words or actions from the Obama White House that suggest that they are against or have disdain of what conservatives call "American exceptionalism". ...
The Gateway Pundit -
Healthy Indiana: Conservatives' Reform Poster Child Or Another ...
Conservatives don't know whether Mitch Daniels, the governor of Indiana, will run for president. But they know about the health care plan he introduced. And many of them are excited about it. The Healthy Indiana Plan, as it's known, ...
All Kaiser Health News -

Web2 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives reject GOP spending plan, threaten government ...
Republican leaders in Congress have been trying to avoid a government shutdown, but now conservative lawmakers--many of whom are freshmen affiliated with ...
Top Conservatives Have a Roundabout Way of Calling Sarah Palin a Moron
Here's a brief history of Sarah Palin's relationship with the establishment Republican party and its supporters in the press: They sat on their hands after ...!5781827/top-conservatives-have-a...of...

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