Friday, March 25, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Islam, creationism, and anti-modernism
Discover Magazine (blog)
Offhand I noted how the discussants would occasionally shift between "the Arab world" and "the Muslim world," and naturally they all took for granted the central role that Islam would play in the Egyptian polity (and likely the Libyan one). ...
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Palisadians Flock to 'Understanding Islam' Lecture
By Linda Rubin | Email the author | 6:00pm The sanctuary at Kehillat Israel was nearly full for this last in a four-part series titled "Understanding Islam" offered by the synagogue. It was evident from the size of the turnout at this lecture how ...
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Groups criticize planned speech by Louis Farrakhan at Mississippi civil rights ...
Los Angeles Times
Farrakhan leads the Chicago-based Nation of Islam, which published two books last year on what Farrakhan calls the "anti-black behavior" of Jews. Leaders of two dozen churches and synagogues signed a statement Tuesday condemning this Friday's keynote ...
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Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door - Educator and Parent Guide
11, 2001, fears of radical Islam, terrorism and "Sharia law" have fueled opposition to mosque projects and launched a national debate around religious freedom protections. Murfreesboro, Tennessee has just over 100000 people, 140+ churches, ...
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Detroit Muslims will welcome Florida pastor who calls Islam evil
Hamilton Spectator
DETROIT He burned a Qur'an and says Islam is evil. Now, Florida Pastor Terry Jones says he's coming to Dearborn, Mich., next month to protest outside the Islamic Center of America. But some local Muslims say they'll welcome Jones when he makes his ...
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Florida pastor plans Mich. protest vs. Islamic law
11 plans to visit the Detroit suburb of Dearborn to protest Islamic law and radical Islam. The Detroit News and the Detroit Free Press report that Terry Jones plans the protest April 22 outside the Islamic Center of America, one of the nation's largest ...
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SR1b equipment at Saudi Construction Show
Saudi Gazette
Saad H. Al-Shamari, Saudi Construction Show's Executive Manager (left), Faisal S. Alfadl, head of the Saudi Construction Show Organizing Committee (right in black thobe), and Raz Islam, the show's Marketing Director, taking a tour of the event in ...
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Islamist group is rising force in a new Egypt
About six groups from the ultraconservative Salafist school of Islam have also emerged in the era after President Hosni Mubarak's removal, as well as a party called Al Wassat, intended as a more liberal alternative to the Brotherhood. ...
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Islamophobia: The Challenge of Our Generation
Huffington Post (blog)
Tennessee lawmakers are now considering a bill that would outlaw adherence to "Sharia" altogether, essentially making the practice of Islam a criminal offense. It's crept up to the US Congress as well, with Peter King's McCarthy-esque hearings on the ...
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INSIDE THE FIRST AMENDMENT: Truth about Muslims in America
Muncie Star Press
Echoing "takeover" rhetoric from the past (communists in government, Asians in the workplace), demagogues and anti-Islam groups are using legitimate concerns about homegrown terrorism as an opportunity to stir fears of a stealth Muslim takeover of the ...
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Blogs1 new result for Islam news
BRIEF: Professor examines Islam in America « - College Media ...
and nbsp; Professor Aaron and nbsp;Spevack and nbsp;will present a lecture entitled 'Islam and the American Dream' as part of the and nbsp;Yamauchi and nbsp;Lecture series Tuesday, March 29 at 5 and nbsp;p.m. in the Audubon Room… ...
College Media Network -

Web1 new result for Islam news
New Europe + Islam | World news |
New Europe + Islam ... Related subjects. World news ... Zeitgeist is an experiment in showing trending news, topics and articles from the Guardian. ...

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