Sunday, March 6, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Liberals paint themselves as defenders of democracy in letter to supporters
Vancouver Sun
Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff delivers a speech during a caucus meeting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa January 25, 2011. OTTAWA — The Ignatieff Liberals have issued a scorching assessment of the Harper Conservatives as an instinctively anti ...
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Greens call on Liberals to account for Penrith broken promises
Penrith Star
Greens MP and lead upper house candidate David Shoebridge and Penrith candidate Suzie Wright met at the ADI site and called on Liberal MP for Penrith Stuart Ayres to account for his broken promises, key ones being protection of the ADI site and ...
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The Pakistan killings are not about blasphemy
The Guardian
The best way to describe the terror which is reducing Pakistani liberals to silence is to enumerate what the assassins did not allege. They did not say that Taseer and Bhatti must die because they were apostates – or, to put that "crime" in plain ...
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Cabal of Convents spewing Liberal-Fascist WOGs
Pakistan Patriot
The Liberal Fascist are the new "Barahmans" today-- living in their palaces and driving their limos want to live the "Brahaman Life" by continuing to exploit the masses. Pakistani Liberal and Foreign Owned media offers the same stale, retrograde fare ...
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Forest fight to move to Parliament
ABC Online
(ABC News) The Liberals have vowed to keep up the pressure on the Labor-Greens Government when Parliament resumes sitting this week. The Premier Lara Giddings' State of the State address takes place tomorrow, and the Greens say they'll also table a ...
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ABC Online
Greens are gaining electoral influence
Mosman Daily
He anticipated many voters in the North Shore electorate would vote for the Greens in the March 26 State Election, both because of the apparent lack of commitment from the Liberals, and because of the Greens' focus on creating a "grassroots democracy". ...
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Mosman Daily
Greens a chance with little Lib help
The Daily Telegraph
The contest in the inner-city seat of Marrickville between sitting Labor MP and Deputy Premier Carmel Tebbutt and the Greens' Fiona Byrne is so tight that the Liberals can decide the outcome by how it directs preferences. There is a clear temptation ...
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Liberals roads pledge takes Hornsby for granted again
Cadtle Hills News (blog)
The Liberals pledge of $100m for roads in Western Sydney and has completely overlooked Hornsby, according to the Mayor and Independent for Hornsby Nick Berman. "Sixteen years of Labor - not a cracker," Mr Berman said. "Now the Liberals - again, ...
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Liberal vote system is not fair to Vancouver
Victoria Times Colonist
By John Amon, Times Colonist March 6, 2011 A recent letter-writer suggested that the Liberal party's use of a preferential ballot to elect their new leader somehow lends credence to the STV system that was soundly defeated by more than 60 per cent of ...
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Why are Liberal MLAs rushing to embrace Clark?
Public Eye
Divisive, superficial and inconsistent - that was how some provincial Liberals privately described Christy Clark in the lead-up to last month's party leadership vote. But during the premier-designate's first caucus meeting, it was all hugs and laughter ...
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Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Ode To Joy: The Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives ...
By Vince Yanez
Fear about those gays destroying the 'sanctity of marriage', those liberals okay with murdering the 'sanctity of unborn life' or those socialists disrespecting the 'sanctity of our Constitution'. Apply it to politics or religion, ...
The Pragmatic Progressive Forum -
Say Anything » Liberals Oppose Budget Cuts With "What Would Jesus ...
By Rob Port
Sojourners is a liberal Christian group whose mission is "to articulate the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the world. ...
Say Anything - My WTF Is Wrong With You Liberals Response To ...
Yep, that was what one liberal at the DailyKos said about what the President had said during a speech on Education and Innovation at Miami Central High School, Miami, Florida, sourcing the quote from the article Obama praises Jeb Bush ... -
A plain blog about politics: Sunday Question for Liberals
By Jonathan Bernstein
Sunday Question for Liberals. Obama's cabinet: who are the winners so far? Losers? Who do you hope will move up to a bigger job? Who do you hope will disappear and never be heard from again? Biggest disappointment? ...
A plain blog about politics -
RubinReports: Arab Liberals Worry About an Islamist Egypt; Western ...
By Barry Rubin
Middle East Transparent has been the most important international Internet publication for Arab liberals. Now this publication, in an Arabic-language article, is really worried about events in Egypt, particularly the composition of the ...
RubinReports -

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