Thursday, March 10, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Progressives Bemoan Focus On Deficit, Call For Stronger Job Creation Agenda
Huffington Post
But to a group of progressives gathered on Thursday to talk about jobs, the problem is that the capital's elites don't heed the polls nearly enough. Survey after survey of public opinion finds that unemployment and the struggling economy are the most ...
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Beck Sub Thompson Falsely Claims Progressives Want Military To Promote ...
Media Matters for America (blog)
With Glenn Beck out of the studio this week, substitute radio host Doc Thompson wasted no time skewing a newly released report by the Military Leadership Diversity Commission to spin a grand yarn about a supposed progressive conspiracy to promote ...
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Guest Editorial: A Progressive Case for Neighborhood Schools - Mar 10
Beyond Chron
And it can be a progressive reform. Having the well-off invested in matters of government policy forces change (think of the difference between a draft army during an illegal war and a volunteer army during an illegal war – the anti-Iraq-war movement ...
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Anti-conservative forum
Sydney Morning Herald
The Labor MP Penny Sharpe, who is organising the forum with Mr Cohen, said the aim was to ''highlight the danger of a far-right upper house and the need for progressives to work together to hold back the tide''. Labor fears a Coalition landslide could ...
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Nigeria: Utomi - Jonathan Spends N100 Million Daily on Campaign
He expressed his displeasure over the inability of reformed progressives to form an alliance in spite of his personal efforts in that direction. The presidential candidate also described the establishment of new federal universities without ...
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Emodi seeks two additional states for southeast
The Nation Newspaper
All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) chieftain Senator Joy Emodi yesterday promised to focus on the creation of two additional states for the Southeast. She said of the six zones in the country, the Southeast has the least number of states. ...
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U.S. progressives must tell the truth about Libya and the impact of foreign ...
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Let no person who calls themselves progressive forget that US imperialism eagerly collaborated with Saddam Hussein in its struggle to bleed and exhaust the Iranian revolution, but then suddenly turned around in 1988. It began targeting Iraq for regime ...
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The Revolution...Sorry, Transformation Starts Now!
Huffington Post (blog)
Except, if the Progressive Movement in America really wants to win this Revolution, it will not launch a revolution at all. It will launch a Transformation. The Transformation of America (and, ultimately, the world). I insist that Progressives follow ...
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Ron Paul: Hemp for Victory
Mother Jones (blog)
I spoke with Paul about the benefits of the super-fiber, how progressives and libertarians can cooperate in the budget debate, and his plans for 2012. Mother Jones: As you know, hemp is a natural, eco-friendly fiber with a wide range of industrial uses ...
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Abians yearn for change – Onwubiko
Nigeria Daily Independent
To the question of which political parties the respondents may consider as parading quality members, the Peoples Progressives Alliance (PPA) of Chief Orji Kalu scored 40 per cent, All Progressives Grand Alliance scored 32 per cent; Peoples Democratic ...
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Blogs2 new results for Progressives
Dear Progressives: The Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Vote Was ...
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the American Left: For those of you unfamiliar with the deranged individual who wrote this, he is a prominent figure in Leftist circles on Twitter. An Obama sycophant with nearly 11000 followers.
The Right Sphere -
Populism, Progressives and Public Unions | insyde::web
By admin The divide in the Disunited States of America opened wider with the concerted effort of progressives and teacher.
insyde::web -

Web2 new results for Progressives
Comptroller John Liu, NY City Council Progressives Push Living ...
The City Council's Progressive Caucus has a letter out today boosting the so- called "living wage" bill for NYC (and taking off on the NYP's edit board for ...
Walker continues to hurt Wisconsin | Progressives United
The actions by 18 Republican state senators leave no doubt that Governor Walker's attack on Wisconsin workers has nothing to do with the budget and ...

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