Thursday, March 24, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News8 new results for Progressives
Libya attack latest Obama abdication of progressive ideals
Lexington Herald Leader
After President Barack Obama's total and absolute abdication of all progressive ideals, and dismissal of the US Constitution (it is Congress that has the power to declare war), there is little left for progressives to look for in the politics of the ...
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The Young Progressives support Resnick for District 8 alder
UW Badger Herald
The Young Progressives was founded in the spirit of Feingold, a champion of campaign ethics and finance reform. Our opposition to negative campaigning has nothing to do with party affiliation. We work to weed out the political rhetoric and look at the ...
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Progressives Start Their Own 501(c)4
Progress Illinois
Grassroots Illinois Action (GIA) is a new 501(c)4 organization "formed to further progressive politics in Chicago and Illinois at the grassroots level," according to a press release. The organization is endorsing three candidates in the upcoming ...
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Progress Illinois
What separates progressives, conservatives
The Daily Advertiser
There is a big difference between a progressive and a conservative definition of this type of progress. Let me explain. A progressive is a person that thinks it is OK to extract money from someone else's wallet, for what they think is good, ...
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Progressive Update
Power Line (blog)
In the meantime, a number of readers of my "Progressive versus Progressive" series have written in with good comments and links to supplemental material. Ed Driscoll, the proprietor of the sprightly "Silicon Graffiti" video blogs in the PajamasMedia ...
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'Progressive times' are not bad
If you are opposed to "progressive times," are you for "regressive times" — moving our country backward rather than forward to a new era of tolerance for all people regardless of race, religion, alternative lifestyle? You also state that Republicans ...
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Casino looking to reap benefits of side bets
Tribune Review
Sean Sullivan of The Meadows Casino and Corey Plummer of Rivers Casino said the expansion of progressive jackpots is the next big thing for table games. "You'd probably see more technology coming to tables in the form of progressives first, ...
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Michele Bachmann is running for president now, sigh
There are two ways this can be seen; either it is a good thing for progressives, or its a good thing for conservatives. Since conservatism now equates to a non-sensical, anti-science, pro-corporate/totalitarian mindset, there's no way she can win as ...
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Blogs2 new results for Progressives
Note to Progressives Who Back a No Fly Zone on Libya | Mostly Water
By blackandred
Iraq alone should have made any progressive support for Western military intervention in Libya negligible. It is very sad to see that didn't happen. The corporate media has, again, succeeded in getting many well intentioned progressives ...
Mostly Water -
Straw Men, Sheep, and Storytelling: Media Matters Trains ...
By John Sexton
The Progressive movement stole the term 'liberal'- which was actually a modern conservative- early in the 20th century because their OWN term- 'Progressive' became a negative brand after the debacle that was the Wilson Administration. ...
Big Journalism -

Web1 new result for Progressives
Note To Progressives Who Back a No Fly Zone on Libya | Common Dreams
Iraq alone should have made any progressive support for Western military intervention in Libya negligible. It is very sad to see that didn't happen. ...

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