Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
Samantha Power, long a critic of US foreign policy, now helps shape it
Los Angeles Times
Rice, then a Clinton aide, "stunned" some of those present by wondering aloud about the political implications of allowing the slaughter of Rwandans to go forward. But like Power, Rice favored US military moves in Libya to protect civilians against ...
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Los Angeles Times
US wants other nations to pitch in on Libya
Washington Post
By Josh Rogin, Wednesday, March 30, 11:41 PM President Obama has touted his emphasis on multilateralism in the US military intervention in Libya, but — for political, operational and legal reasons — his "coalition of the willing" is smaller than any ...
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Tracking US politics
Reuters Blogs (blog)
Because I want to be a United States senator. I want to be the best United States senator that Florida has ever had," Rubio said in an interview on ABC's "Nightline." "I just got elected three months ago so how can I be a full-time United States ...
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In energy speech, Obama exchanges the ambitious for the politically possible
Christian Science Monitor
Carolyn Kaster / AP By Linda Feldmann, Staff writer / March 30, 2011 Amid multiple pressures on US energy security, President Obama set a goal Wednesday of reducing oil imports by one-third in the next decade. Mr. Obama, speaking at Georgetown ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Obama Outlines Energy Goals: Is US Balancing Conservation, Consumption?
PBS NewsHour
And because we were at the height of political season, you had all kinds of slogans and gimmicks and outraged politicians -- they were waving their three-point plans for $2-a-gallon gas. And none of it was really going to do anything to solve the ...
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Exceptional And Unexceptional America
The Atlantic
Yes, it's clear Obama believes in the unique role of the US in global politics, and world history, despite the Big Lie from Romney et al. But do we all mean the same thing when we talk of this idea? And is this more than mere national solipsism and ...
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All the Also-Rans for President
But politics is not always fair. The problem with thinning out this clutter lies in the fact that any American citizen 35 or older can be president. Too many leaders of both parties and too many sponsors of political debates seem to think this means ...
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Gillibrand, Crowley introduce resolution to honor Geraldine Ferraro
The resolutions, which recognize Ferraro's service to Queens and New York, as well as pay tribute to her indelible impact as a trailblazer in American politics, passed the Senate by Unanimous Consent late last night. "Geraldine Ferraro was more than a ...
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US Chamber president Christie WH bid 'exciting'
Posted on November 18, 2010, 8:00 PM, under Constitution, Economics, Education, Environment, Government, Gun Control, Health Care, History, Illegal Immigration, Islam, Law, Media & Internet, New Jersey, Politics, Taxes, United States of America, ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
I have no interest in Indian politics: Chatwal
"I have no interest in Indian politics," said high-profile Indian American hotelier Sant Singh Chatwal as he again denied a purported WikiLeaks report suggesting that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was trying to win Akali Dal support ...
Daily News Headlines | Today's... -
Obama Talking Energy Policy As Gas Prices Climb
By The Huffington Post News Editors
WASHINGTON -- Facing pressure to curb rising gasoline prices, President Barack Obama is calling for the U.S. to reduce its oil imports by one third by 2025, a lofty goal likely to run into significant obstacles. The White House said ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed -

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
Come Talk Politics With Us On Tuesday! | New York Daily News
Come Talk Politics With Us On Tuesday! BY Celeste Katz. Not busy Tuesday night? Please come join New York Civic, Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century, ...

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