Friday, April 29, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
A Harper government would benefit taxpayers, Rob Ford tells rally
Globe and Mail
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has thrown his support behind Stephen Harper, an endorsement Conservatives hope bolsters their GTA electoral fortunes on Monday. Canadian mayors don't frequently pick sides during federal elections. But Mr. Ford said he couldn't ...
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Globe and Mail
NDP surge puts Conservative majority at risk as Liberals collapse: poll
Vancouver Sun
The NDP has pulled within striking distance of the Conservatives, and could dash Stephen Harper's hopes of winning a Conservative majority on Monday. Meanwhile, Michael Ignatieff's Liberals are facing a collapse that would see them fall to their lowest ...
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There are many, many reasons not to vote for Conservatives
Belleville Intelligencer
There are so many reasons to be weary of the leader of the Conservative Party: an unwillingness to listen to experts as in the long census form, failed American style prison system, stripping traditional social services in order to purchase planes even ...
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Democrats launch outside spending group; conservatives charge hypocrisy
CBS News
A group of Democrats aligned with the Obama administration today announced that they are starting an outside spending group similar to the conservative groups that President Obama has decried. The new group has two arms: Priorities USA and Priorities ...
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Layton returns fire at Harper with second VIN riding visit
Vancouver Sun
"We're very excited about the possibilities of winning the seat, and taking it back from the Stephen Harper Conservatives," Layton told the Courier-Islander Thursday. "Ronna-Rae Leonard is an excellent candidate and with her experience as a two-term ...
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Poll suggests NDP is taking over Quebec City area
Le Soleil, the provincial capital's largest daily newspaper, published a CROP poll Friday morning suggesting that Jack Layton's NDP is leading in four of six Quebec City-area ridings that are currently held by Stephen Harper's Conservatives. ...
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Canadians betrayed on CPP reform
Hamilton Spectator
Even that tepid reference to the CPP was removed when the Conservatives released their election platform on April 8. They say they will work with provinces to create PRPPs but improving the CPP, it seems, is no longer a priority. ...
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Donald Trump and the Faux Conservatives
The New American
Michele Malkin has just written a column in which she attempts to expose Donald Trump as a faux conservative. "The Donald," Malkin writes, has long abused the law of "eminent domain" for his own material self-interests. She insists that in using ...
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Conservatives irked by Superman issue
LONDON, April 29 (UPI) -- Conservative US commentators are criticizing the latest "Action Comics" issue for a storyline involving Superman threatening to renounce his US citizenship. Superman, the DC Comics superhero who has long declared his ...
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Conservatives Go After Another Obama Pastor
TIME (blog)
But their presence in the pews was enough to draw the attention of conservatives, who quickly scoured available records of Smith's public remarks. Sure enough, on his radio show the next day, Rush Limbaugh went after Smith, calling him "Jeremiah Wright ...
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Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives Cope with a Non-American Superman - Entertainment ...
Superman renounces his citizenship in the latest comic over foreign policy concerns.
Latest Posts | The Atlantic Wire -
Lock up leftist May Day troublemakers, conservatives say - The Local
In the face of anticipated leftist violence at Sunday's May Day demonstrations in Berlin, members of Angela Merkel's conservatives have called for known anarchist troublemakers to be taken into custody as a preventive measure.
The Local - Germany's news in English -
Conservatives like O'Reilly fleeing the Birther bogosity insist ...
By David Neiwert
Bill O'Reilly thinks it's just shameful that liberals are calling out the Birthers for their racism so hlast ight he brought on Margaret Hoover and Alicia Menendez to talk about it. Of course, Hoover thought it was entirely ...
Crooks and Liars -
Section 15: Conservatives conceed "NO MAJORITY"
By Mark Francis
Conservatives conceed "NO MAJORITY". From today's Star, a source inside the CPC says "It all comes down to Ontario and we're just not there...[there is currently no] seat matrix that gets Harper to a majority." ...
Section 15 -

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Leftist NDP closes in on Conservatives - Yahoo! News
The left-leaning New Democrats are just five percentage points behind the ruling Conservatives ahead of Monday's general election, three polls released on ...

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